A'gon joke...

One of a dozen recently minted bots walks into a forum and posts a message about point source speakers.

I comment about point source kits with a link.

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In all honesty, mine was barely funny....even to me..

So, @thecarpathian ...you're absolutely right. *s*  (No +; it was just the 'try' aspect...'a Zen arrow into the dark, likely hitting one's own ass...' ;)

("...his jokes fell like leaden farts upon the stage...")... too true, too often...

It would seem odd to launch an AI'd bot into forums as this, if only to generate some off-the-non-existent-wall form of vague disillusionment over new posters, or even spoofing real ones...and they'd likely be better at it than yours truly. *l*

Now, if there was an on-going snit over some political flame, a moth-bot may be drawn here; but when there's muchomore elsewhere....?

'It's just highly illogical', Spockishly...

Free money....right....anyone who remembers the closing scenario of The Magic Christian should agree that even 'free' has a cost....


I'm talking (posting) about "software based" BOTS.

I can only find one remaining thread initiated by these BOTS (the others have been deleted).

Many of the BOTS have "joined" the same sites (Roku, AllKpop, Canon Global, Net Gear - et cetera and to name just a few) within minutes of initiating their Audiogon account?

They typically made a single post and that was it.

However, some of them came back with a 2nd post (reply to their thread) with a link to a product/service) and then that was it.



@dekay  Can you give me the name of the one thread still active that was created by the BOT?




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