I need Hign compliance cartridges

Hi, could you tell me

some not very expensive high compliance cartridges (under 1000-1500 usd) MM and MC.  that suit for heavy tonearms. If you know exact figures please indicate them.

I know only that denon 103 is a high compliance mc cartridge.


Thank you very much




This kind of questions alwaays give the opporunity to the members to mention

what  kind of carts they own and like. But the question ''where'' those 

can be got is also always avoided. My info is, so te speak, complete..

@pindac, you will not believe this but the problem is grammar. It is

not an science. Grammar allows only one subject and one predicate in

each  sentence. Look at the ''sell contract''. Onlu seller is mentoned

but one can't sell anything wthout a buyer. If the buyer was mentioned

than also his rights. Those determine that no buyer can be forced

to buy whatever. Otherwise the contrac would be invalid. 

I wan't mention ''free trade'' in the so called ''capitalistic countries''

For moral questions I would recommend Emanuel Kant.

I listed my ADC 26 + 25 other carts on the Dutch (for free) site Marktplaats.

But Hifi Shark publish all second hand carts. However one need to

search by carts NAME. 

By MC kinds one need to separate ''iron '' -from ''coreless coils''. The first

mentioned increase the output but also distortionas (sic!)  the second

decrease output ( +/- 0,2 mV)  as well impedance and compliance. 

Koetsu is example for the first , Ikeda's (FR 7 series) for the later. 

This than explains wich kind of phon-pres or SUT's one will need.