...submitted for your...

This popped up on my phone this AM...

Now, since this has been an 'off 'n on' topic of late, Mikes' MHO vid pretty much encapsulates the general ennui expressed over B&M shops fading away, the high and rising cost of 'our level of quality equipment', and all the reasons and rationales for the SOTA becoming 'out of reach' for all except the most dedicated 'philes.

And Yes, a run-on sentence that isn't my usual terse twaddle.

So be it; lets' have fun with this, please.

If extinction is to be our lot, we can afford to be noisy about it. ;)

Rant 'n rave, dear friends.



The Death of the Home Stereo System

Tissues, torches, pitchforks, and other items will be found in the lobby.

Don't forget to peruse the T-shirts!  (I've already have mine, but from a different vendor.... ;)   )

Very good video... Send to us by a master of wit...😊

As anything our freedom and possibilities and desire to design our own soundfield disapear a bit more and with the artificial of convenience to buy ready made non audiophile products our own freedom to explore new acoustic ways between the component choices and Tweaks go dead ... This is the bad news..


But there is a good news, soon A.I. will design on the spot virtual room system of the highest quality in any room for any speakers or headphone at low cost ..


It will be an happy event for sure...For music lover... As i am..

But with a downsize: How could i have learn some acoustic with listening experiments all these years if i could afford an A. i. to do it for me?

Ok... Perhaps instead of painstakingfully learn basic acoustic, i would have the time to learn more about prime distributions or gardening ?

There is always bad news and good news in Pandora box... A bright side and a downside...

But nevermind fate and good or bad aspects about things, convenience is not and never will be S.Q.

Anyway to go with my story ...

As a famous bouddhist tell the tale;

One day a wise man learned that his son lost a leg, and to his neighbours sad for him and crying : "this is so fatefully BAD event ! We are sad for you.." He replied "perhaps it is"... "who knows? "...

The week after, a general came recruiting all young people by force for his small desesperate army...

The neighbours loosing all their sons for war came and said to him : "How lucky you are!"

The wise man replied: "perhaps ! " ... "Who knows"

The stories goes with many other episodes... Bad succeded incredible luck but reveal more fateful bad turn... 😊

I never forgot this story so deep it was about event, fate, good and bad, and the soul....


In life we can only say "perhaps"...

But sound quality and convenience perhaps wil meet together but only  after my death?

Who knows?

The good side is in Heaven sound system are way better and the composers too...At no cost...


«There is no downside in hell or in heaven »-Groucho Marx 🤓

I can't bear to watch this guy. His hands move more than his mouth and his mouth is always moving.


Nobody like listening to stutterers for example ... Especially me..


But Aristotle, Newton, Swedenborg the leonardo of the North, Darwin, Turing and Wittgenstein, They were all famous slow stutterers..

I think what matter is what is said... And this video is short and make sense ...


But you are right, and i understand you, i will not listen to Biden who is a stutterer too ...

Anyway i think that this guy is not Aristotle nor Biden, but he only say some of his life experience in audio that make us pause a minute...

And he is not a stutter, and gestures in speech is not distraction but ponctuation and illustration for me at least...

But you are right nobody like to watch a Tourette speaking...

But he is not Tourette perhaps of italian origin ?

Or perhaps a deaf sign language specialist pausing from his day job to think about sound and audio ?

Who knows?





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