What are the best speakers for 80's hard rock?

Hello folks!
I want suggestions for best speakers and amp for 80's hard rock music. Many bad recordings, so many high end speakers (and amps) sounds very harsh and hard, with little bass. It's more important to me that my stereo can play bad recordings in a good way, than play good recordings in a fantastic way.

I want very laidback and soft treble, but I want a bass that goes deep and alo is very punchy.

I know many people say that I should here on vintage speakers. But I want new speakers. Any price range!

Thanks for suggestions!
There are speakers that might sound good which is subjective and those that perform well with proper amplification which is more objective. Not the same thing necessarily. I think Atmasphere is saying if it truly performs well for classical it will also for rock. I would tend to agree in general.
Not scarce, Saki70, just not as prevalent. See my post above. All of those companies make speakers with big woofers.

How about speakers that you like which play music well and consider a clean EQ, such as GML, to address "80's" CD mastering?

Anyway, just a thought...good luck! :-)
Keithr, yes, some speakers don't rock. That's too bad for them- I would expect they would have troubles with other forms of music too.
Dave_72 ;
My bad . I reread the original post and saw that he did say "Any price range " !

Happy Tunes