...submitted for your...

This popped up on my phone this AM...

Now, since this has been an 'off 'n on' topic of late, Mikes' MHO vid pretty much encapsulates the general ennui expressed over B&M shops fading away, the high and rising cost of 'our level of quality equipment', and all the reasons and rationales for the SOTA becoming 'out of reach' for all except the most dedicated 'philes.

And Yes, a run-on sentence that isn't my usual terse twaddle.

So be it; lets' have fun with this, please.

If extinction is to be our lot, we can afford to be noisy about it. ;)

Rant 'n rave, dear friends.



He described very well his own experience ...

I cannot fault him for describing his experience..

And in my acoustic journey i learned that there is not ONE SINGLE EASY SOLUTION... No ready made one save if you want to pay astronomical amout for a pro acoustic room designed by an acoustician ( 100, 000 $ the last time i checked)

And anybody who felt immersiveness describe always the SAME ACOUSTIC EVENT anyway more and less good it depend of their language and acoustic abilities...Because immersiveness is a specficically very complex acoustic concept to put in place but it is an OBJECTIVELY precise concept ...technically for me it is this formula : ASW/LV ratio, the relation between the sound sources and thwe listener envelopment and position... Search acoustic articles for that...

I know because i made it myself...

Most audiophiles believe in ready made solution, we must buy the right costly speakers and all will be good... I dont think so and anyway i could not afford 20,000 bucks speakers...

When i designed my room it takes me almost 2 years , one year each day , i was retired because i could never had been able to do it...

Acoustic and psycho-acoustic done right is not easily done by RECIPE , as the one recipe ( bass trap Absorbing material or general rule to posit speakers etc ) we can read all across audio thread...

There is no recipe in reality ...Because all room differ, all acoustic content of a room differ, all components differ, and all ears needs and knowing differ too...

Acoustic is not about buying acoustic panels, it ia about learning how to listen to sound and soundfield ...

if you read my post you will see i cannot give specific advice ,i only wrote to MOTIVATE people, anyway specific very precise advice are easy to read on the net, but the way i experimented with my room i cannot reproduce it exactly in an another room... i will be in the obligation to listen to this other room for a year and begin again the incremental long but fun tuning process ...( i will not do it again though, learning something the first time is fun but be in the obligation to doing it again, with 6 months full time listening instead of one year, it isw too long for me now to be fun to be frank)

i dont have any other solution...



There is two part in acoustic of small room :

The known part the necessary material passive treament of the room with a balance between diffusion, reflection and absorption, the right ratio balance for this room and his content and these component for some specific listening location ONLY...



Then the hard part if you want IMMERSIVENESS :

The modification at the right place of the distribution of zone pressures in the room...

The guiding of direct waves and the indirected and reflected one ( the ratio of timing is crux) from the speakers for our two ears, each one of them... because there is in a way 4 speakers in a room ... Two real one and two virtual one because our ear A will hear speaker no1 and speaker no 2 , and the ear B will hear these two speakers also but with not the same time delay then the art of acoustic for me is to help the room and the speakers to give the right ratio between the sound sources for our brain to compute by playing with these 4 speakers location and surrounding content the two real one and the two virtual one created by the brain...

i used one hundred mechanically tunes Helmholtz resonators and even many other devices, ( ionizator and cheap tuned Schumann generators, and a foldable screen use as a diffruser and as a lens behind my listening position...

Thats all i did if i sketch it but how can anyone can imitate that without working a year full time to do it?

There is no speed easy solution only a very fun intense set of listenings experiments...

Most people even with very costly component have no experience of immersiveness...

You can buy speakers, you cannot buy acoustic, you must learn it by experiments...

Anyway there is no other way to learn how to listen...

Buying high end component and listening to them in comparison is fun BUT it is not acoustic and it is USELESS almost to recreate immersiveness..

Then do you undertstand why i appreciated his post and his good will and cannot say anything negative ?

I hate to say negative thing if people had good will...

My very best to you my good friend...




I will add that recreating immersiveness with headphone is very hard too if we want "out of the head" soundfield and "a speaker like" soundfield, but i was lucky with the right headphone, not many headphone  are able to do the job, but anyway it takes me 6 months of listening experiments with 6 modifications in the headphone or around it... it is not and could not be a plug and play...There is no simple recipe for creating immersiveness..

Oups! My dear friend speaking about my experience i forgot to say that THERE EXIST AN EASY READY MADE SOLUTION...But it is too costly for me to afford it and i know about this solution only in the last 2 months then i forgot to say it in this post...


Search for Dr. Choueri BACCH filters articles and products... It is a plasma physicist who work acoustic as a hobby all his life..  This is the most revolutionnary product on the market, forget any other costly upgrade.. And no need to learn acoustic anymore... This is the good news...It is the only device i will buy if i could afford it ...

I am happy right now read me right... But the optimal S. Q.  threshold of acoustic is not the minimal threshold where i am now... The minimal S. Q.  threshold is enough, most people dont even expeerience it .. But the device of Choueri give the optimal at a relatively low price...this is the solution i say do not exist in the beginning of my post because i was focussing in my experience only ... I apologize.. 😁😉😊


I’m sure that his ideas are heartfelt, but he doesn’t say anything that hasn’t been said by others many times before; and of course, he offers no solutions.







I watched this happen in my own life. Four friends and I would gather to talk and listen to music almost every night in the '70's. Of course, now we have gone our separate ways, but even long before that happened, all of them put music and their modest systems on the back burner and listening for its own sake became a thing of the past. I found it sad and hard to accept for a while, but then I just adjusted to it and felt fortunate that I still had my system and love of music.

The same thing happenned to me...

The most happy event of my life was listening music with friends, never mind the acoustic or components...

But i dreamed all my life to afford good sound without the money to do it...

I succeeded in my modest way...

I watched this happen in my own life. Four friends and I would gather to talk and listen to music almost every night in the '70's. Of course, now we have gone our separate ways, but even long before that happened, all of them put music and their modest systems on the back burner and listening for its own sake became a thing of the past. I found it sad and hard to accept for a while, but then I just adjusted to it and felt fortunate that I still had my system and love of music.

Always been drawn to the sounds of music...*s*

The parents on weekends, playing lp’s of Crosy, Martin....old ’78s’ of their polka greats, those memories brought back when hearing various ’folk’ of various countries with similar rhythms, the varied instruments adding the ’flavors’ of that land...
They had a couple of Spike Jones’ discs, which introduced the concept of humour and the musical spoof, the early versions of ’borrowed signatures’ of well-known songs as ’hints & allusions’ tossed into entrances, exits, and ’mood makers and reminders’ in radio, movies, and later Television...the mass-media home hypnosis thing whose dinky circular CRT bloomed literally from greys and whites into flat screen colored symphonies of sight....and later, sound...Better sound....

Older bro’ playing Alpert, later bebop, M. Miller singalong groups...first on an Eico mono with a Garrard stacking tt, replaced by a Sony r2r and HK diy integrated tube amp....speakers from Lafayette in diy bass reflex cabs....

I’d sneak a sess with that later set, my intro to r2r and better... ;)

A period of playing with shortwave ’ham’ radio, held a license, strung dipole antennae about, learned to ’talk’ symbolically to strangers, moved on...but learned how to strip wire and solder...👍

Inherited the Eico and the Garrard; lost the Eico for an early Kenwood....built 2 pairs of 2 ways, cone tweets both, 4" in the small cabs, 8"s in the larger.

Moved out, moved again to the Bay from LA, with a 2270, Bose 901s, an AR with a Stanton cart....

Didn’t know at the time, but lived ’bout a mile away from Linkwitz....*g*wow*

Learning....haunting shops, absorbing all the livelongdays. Owned a EF Cortina, a Yam RD350....

....life was sweet single...

Mystic daze in a while.....fell in ’love’, moved beyond the Redwood Curtain to Eureka!...fell out, and fell out further....

Young landlady Vicki (now a therapist...good move) handed me a stiff drink and advised:

"You really need to get away from here....as much as you love the place, it’ll eat you alive..."

A hug, a kiss, gone in a week....to Oakland...

(Later back to visit and receive Grace the Wonder Cat, who was MBFeline for 17 yrs..)...

~Inter Mission~

’Preciate y’all...;) I’ll read you as long as you tolerate me...🎶

....mostly, always...🤞



“I’ll see you on the next one folks, take care” was Mike’s most logical and coherent statement.

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