What are the best speakers for 80's hard rock?

Hello folks!
I want suggestions for best speakers and amp for 80's hard rock music. Many bad recordings, so many high end speakers (and amps) sounds very harsh and hard, with little bass. It's more important to me that my stereo can play bad recordings in a good way, than play good recordings in a fantastic way.

I want very laidback and soft treble, but I want a bass that goes deep and alo is very punchy.

I know many people say that I should here on vintage speakers. But I want new speakers. Any price range!

Thanks for suggestions!
yeah wolf & his amps look like something out of Frankenstein's Lab but I've heard them & they sound fantastic & kick some serious arse, personally I love the look too.
Wolf_ garcia, I got a good laugh out of what you said, I get it, I do not believe Pehare did, any way, I live in a cave in the woods and my relative's were knight's of the round table, he, ha,he.
that's sir Ralph of Atmasphere, I do get carried away talking like that at time's, like I will say, what say you sir Wolf_ Garcia of Audiogon?, ha,he,ha.
With those criteria...mellow treble/punch bass... You might be better off going the stand mount and sub configuration...budget option would be Pioneer speakers that are all the rage..and a musical sub such as HSU...higher price point...British monitor with REL sub