I feel it is time to upgrade my 1977 system.......

I have been enjoying my Pioneer Spec 1 and Pioneer Spec 2 system for a very long time and I have been having issues that have exhausted my patience and nearest shop is 3 hours (each way) from home.  I only listen to my Music Hall TT that pleases me.  My speakers are from 1976 Altec Lansing Model 19 that have been freshend up and I love the sound, I guess because I have been so accustomed to them and I'm sure there are many diff speaker options but for now I wish to continue with the Altec's.  My quest is to replace my amp and preamp.........I have some logistical problems to deal with.  I have ONE!!!! location for new gear, a shelf that is 51 inchs long and 18 inches from a wall to the front edge of the shelf, shelf will handle 200lbs.  My Pioneer amp has ample power and I would like to remain close to the same amout of power.  If you have some ideas for me I would love to hear them.  Not sure how I feel about tube gear since I have no background at all so I (think) I'd rather not go that route, but feel free to change my mind.  Budget not to exceed 18k including cables.  I know there is a wealth of knowledge here unfortunately I have very little to offer so I thank you greatly in advance......


I would like to personally thank each and everyone of you for your thoughts and recomendations for a new system.  I think I will be leaning toward a tube preamp and still pondering about the amp.  I am trying to schedule a audition for McIntosh C8 and MC830 and Pass Lab has sparked my interest.

So many great ideas from you and even I am curious as to what direction I will go.....

Altecs here as well. Mac MC40 tube monoblocks rebuilt for power and a Audio Research SP8 for a preamp. It may all be old but boy does it sound great. New stuff never impresses me, I just shake my head at the stupid prices and smile everytime I turn my system on.



So in the last few months, I've demo'ed the following tube amps with my Model 19's:

  • Coincident Frankenstein monoblocks (8 wpc)... very nice sound, but not enough power to generate adequate bass
  • Consonance integrated with four 300B's (approx. 18 wpc)... not enough power and overall sound was too tame
  • Chinese SET integrated with 845 tubes (23 wpc)... wonderful sound quality, but ground loop hum and noise from transformers were show stoppers.  I really wanted these to work as the sound quality was impressive.
  • Quicksilver Mid Mono's (40 wpc)... bass was inadequate and dynamics were too tame
  • Quicksilver KT Mono's with KT150 power tubes (100 wpc)... Finally, I've found amps with enough power to properly drive my 19's.  I never thought I'd need amps this powerful to drive speakers with such a high efficiency rating.  So far I'm about 75 hours into the break in process, but once they reached the 50 hour mark, I knew these amps were keepers.  Excellent dynamics, plenty of drive and very transparent.

I initially used a Music Reference RM9 MK2 (125 wpc) with the 19's and they sounded very good... but based upon the 19's high efficiency rating, I wanted to try some lower power tube amps.  Little did I know that the 19's high efficiency did not necessarily translate to being able to use low powered amps.  So... based upon my experience, my takeaway is that Model 19's need some power to get them to open up.   YMMV.

Hello, I owne the Model#19's for yeas and years Bought 2 pairs brand new for 1100 a Pair in Illinois.

Keep them. You will miss them, the compression driver those use stomp Jbl's ect.

You wull miss the sound as I do

Get a Rogue Tube amplifier and rolling some mullard input tubes.

Rogue are very reasonable and will control that woofer and give you sonic nirvana.

I own rogue and have went thru their line, Maybe run a Older Audible illusions preamp. you will hear things you never heard.

Get the rogue even the 88 will drive the hell out of those 19's.

Ive also ran Altec A-7 500    And A7X  1236 as well I ran a HK Citation 16. Sweet