Audio Research Ref 6 upgrade to 6SE.

Well today I dropped off my Audio Research Ref 6 at my Audio Research dealer. Audio Research told me as of right now the time span when they receive my Ref 6 is a week turnaround to upgrade it to the Ref 6SE. Which is extremely fast. I can’t wait to hook up my new Ref 6SE to my new REF 750s. Has anyone had the upgrade from the 6 to the 6SE ? If so what were your impressions ? 

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman

Yes. Audio Research dedicated a person to upgrades, so the turn around time dropped very significantly.

I upgraded from a Ref 5SE to a Ref 6SE… so I can’t comment on the 6–> 6SE specifically. But, I am sure you will enjoy it. I have had the REF 3 and REF 3SE Phonostage in my system, and can attest to the upgrade being worth it. From experiences of others on the preamp upgrade, I think you will be very happy.

I tried to schedule a repair to a ref anniversary preamp & was told there would be a 6 month wait

I’ve read nothing but very positive things about any Audio Research upgrades.  I mean, when you take an already great design and throw in a bunch of much better parts what could possibly go wrong?  The only thing I’d say is it’d be much more cost effective to buy a used Ref6SE because you’d already have the upgrades for far less than the stock Ref6.  I bought my fully upgraded McCormack amp 25 years ago for less than the price of the original stock amp, but that’s water under the bridge here.  I’ve no doubt you’ll be thrilled with the upgrade and will be interested in your thoughts. 

@soix   Yes. I agree with u. I’m sure I will be very happy with the upgrade. Like u said the Ref 6 is an already awesome preamp. Also yes that is what I would do if I didn’t already own the 6. But I have to do what I have to do since I already own it. 

@hhiggins  Well I think there is a difference with a repair and upgrade from the service dept. But 6 months is a very long time.