But Furtwangler direct everything as he directed Schumann or Bruckner or Beethoven...
The time dimension and timing is INSIDE the music, the music dont obey to a "beat "outside of itself with him... The PULSE is born with the music and NEVER imposed on it from an EXTERNAL representation or from an arbitrary conception... At least so it seems and is felt by most... As Alas! it is not the case with many lesser maestros...
Then Melody is revealed and appear as rythm and rythm itself is melody in the making...
Rythm here has nothing to do with what people call a "beat" which is something outside the body and which is used to move the body by an external means...
Rythm is the mystery of time emerging from inside and manifested as pure melody, but a melody which do not grow as an horizontal line but as a spiralling apocalypsos: a revelation from inside through our gestures , in translation... Not a "beat "then and deeper than a dance because it is the origin and source of dance itself ...
In african percussion, rythm is not growing in horizontal line but spiralling from inside and never exactly repeating...Rythm is rolling without repeating itself exactly as speech is...
Each Furtwangler direction is more than mere beautiful because with him beauty as said Rilke is a" terror " experience as is the "sacred" experience an experience of dying and birthing ...
And all mysteries are in all religions about TIME experience called life and living, and dying then about the power of rythm as harmony emerging or disapearing ..
Furtwangler is the greatest maestro because he know that and make it felt... it was the opinion of another master the great Ernest Ansermet and few years ago Valery Gergyev said the same answering a journalist about Furtwangler...
One day i understood why i was unable to stop listening a Furtwangler work and then trying to go for a distraction : it is because we dont listen music with him, nor to a melody, we listen to our own PULSATION through the pulsating music as two communicative waves in ONE heart....The human body is made on this pattern through the two blood flows...Through the two cycles of aspiration and expiration... Even walking and thinking extend in time with the same rythmic pattern... It is the reason why life dont come for mere atoms but from the music of spheres... Anyway number theory is even based on rythm... but it is not the place for me to give it us to see... 😁😊
Furtwangler directing Beethoven 9th symphony ( 1942):
Furtwangler in Schubert 8th symphony called Unfinished`: