Picking Speakers 20k-30k

Recently built a HiFi System with much help from this site, now I’m looking at upgrades.  Strongly considering an all-Aavik system but looking at speaker options before I pull the trigger on anything, hence the following question: If you were buying new speakers in the 20-30k range (used or new), what’s on your shortlist?  Bonus points if you have suggestions based on synergy with Aaviks electronics.

If it helps the conversation: 21’X 19’ treated listening room with cathedral ceiling. Listen to a wide variety of music.

thanks for your expertise!


Fyne Audio, Tannoy, Joseph Audio, TAD......on my list of upgrades after listening a lot at Axpona, and I'm lucky enough to have friends that own 3 of them.....so I've heard them in systems I am familiar with

That's a nice budget to play with.

"current speakers (Persona 3f) are about 4 feet from side walls and 2 feet from back wall."

If 2 feet are the max any speaker can be pushed out into the room(aesthetics/S.O) then you're possibly not hearing them in their "best" position.



@grislybutter fun topic, thanks for the link!  And, yes, I’ve learned that i may as well show her a picture early in the process because it can save me from reading every review/comment/smoke signal accessible only to find that it’s too ugly to go in the great room.