Would It Be Possible To Get Help Finding This Song?


I have an “Off The Wall” question. I just happened to come across this T.V. show called “The Five” on the Fox Network. I think it was on Friday (06/09/23), but it may have been the Wednesday’s or Thursday’s show. Just after Greg Gutfeld finished his comments, they went to a commercial. They played a song and the male singer had the sound of “Simple Red” or “Chris de Burgh”. It was a very short sound clip with an aerial view of Times Square. I had the show recorded and I was going to use “Shazam” to see if I could identify the song, even thou it was a very short sound clip. Then by accident the show was deleted. It is now Tuesday and I have tried every “Keyword Search” to find this song!! The melody has been playing in my Head over & over (Ear Worm), but now it is starting to fade and it is getting harder to remember it. By a very, very slim chance, I listened to a lot of the “Simple Red” & “Chris de Burgh” Catalogs, knowing that it probably is not done by them at all. I really need to find this song!! As I mentioned this is “Off The Wall”, and not necessarily a question for all of you good people at Audiogon. I am a faithful reader and have seen similar questions on our forum. I am 65 years old and have listen to music everyday my whole life by streaming stations with all genres. I have heard this song through the years, but not very often. I don’t know if you have ever had a song that instantly caught your Ear? I know that I am not offering much for glues here.  If there would be the slightest chance that someone could help me out, I would very much appreciate it.  I am very sorry for this very long message all in the quest to find one song!!

Thank You So Much!!


You need to give a few lyrics... even if they aren't right it would get us closer.

I once had a similar issue.  I forget the web site, maybe Wikipedia, but I Googled the TV show, located the episode, and there was a song list of music used for that episode, with artist names and song titles.  Start by Googling the 5, look for an episode list, and hopefully you will be able to identify the episode by it's summary.  Then check Wikipedia for the show and this episode.  You may have to drill down, way down, into the credits, but it ought to be there.

Another option to locate the song would be to listen to the podcasts of those 3 days(they do include the bumper music between "blocks"). Once you define and share with us the minute marker and day, might be easier to help you.

Go to IMDB, search for the film, programme or series. Select Cast & Crew (usually near bottom of page but they make it difficult to find). Music department, Music Supervisor. If the Five you are looking for is the Harlan Coben series the MS is Iain Cooke. He’s U.K. based and an extremely nice chap. Contact him through the U.K. branch of the Guild of Music Supervisors




Just after Greg Gutfeld finished his comments, they went to a commercial. They played a song and the male singer had the sound ........

It is not clear whether the song was part of the show or part of the commercial!