Why Do Cables Matter?

To me, all you need is low L, C, and R. I run Mogami W3104 bi-wire from my McIntosh MAC7200 to my Martin Logan Theos. We all know that a chain is only as strong as its' weakest link - so I am honestly confused by all this cable discussion. 

What kind of wiring goes from the transistor or tube to the amplifier speaker binding post inside the amplifier? It is usually plain old 16 ga or 14 ga copper. Then we are supposed to install 5 - 10' or so of wallet-emptying, pipe-sized pure CU or AG with "special configurations" to the speaker terminals?

What kind of wiring is inside the speaker from the terminals to the crossover, and from the crossover to the drivers? Usually plain old 16 ga or 14 ga copper.

So you have "weak links" inside the amplifier, and inside the speaker, so why bother with mega expensive cabling between the two? It doesn't make logical sense to me. It makes more sense to match the quality of your speaker wires with the existing wires in the signal path [inside the amplifier and inside the speaker].



Post removed 

Thank you kind sir. 
I have achieved stereostasis- at least for now. 
My wife doesn’t believe me.  So I’m not changing anything for a while just to prove her wrong. 

I'll tell you guys a story.  This isn't easy for me to talk about.  So I have wanted some Wilson Audio speakers for a long time.  I loved my Thiel CS6 speakers but I had to get me a pair of Wilsons.  I revamped my system from the ground up and made my dedicated listening room acoustically friendly.  I thought I was ready for the Wilsons.  I was sure that I would be able to insert them into my system- plug n play.  Ha!.  I got my Wilsons and ended up replacing every single cable and power cord.  Lucky for me I was able to do that or I wouldn't have kept the speakers.  I should have known better because I went through the exact same thing when I got the Thiel speakers years ago.

Meanwhile, I finally found a buyer for my Thiels.  I set them up in my shop with a bluetooth SMSL amp that I use on the back porch and with some old, old Monster Cable speaker wire.  Now, my shop is insulated and the walls are covered with perforated masonite.  So it is just about hemianechoic.  I had the speakers just sitting on a blanket on the concrete floor and about 6 feet apart and 15 feet from the back wall.  My shop is 30x30.  I sat down to take a listen before the buyer arrived and I was blown away.  The Thiels sounded so good I got sick to my stomach.  The bass was as good I had ever heard from them.  The imaging was crisp like a pair of Maggies.    After listening to a few songs I could hear differences compared to the Wilsons, but this still was a set up that I could have just about lived with.  I spent a lot of money to get that last 20% out of my system.  At that point the buyer was almost there and I really don't need multiple systems so I let them go.  The bass, the soundstage, the detail and clarity are all clearly better with the Wilsons but I'm saying that Theil speakers have got to be the best bargain in hifi these days.  They just need plenty of room around them to perform their best.

@tonywinga I'm going through the same process now with my ZUs. I really really didn't want to audition cables again and believed I was set in that area forever. Nope.