New DAC! Meitner MA3, Denafrips Terminator Plus, Holo May KTE, Mola Mola Tambaqui

Currently have an original Schiit yggdrasil.  Thinking about taking another step up or maybe two steps!  Is the Holo May still good?  I know I hear a lot about Denafrips.  Then someone was mentioning Mola Mola. 

I like the idea of the i2s HDMI connection, I believe this is so I could have my DAC decode SACD versus a player. 

Also considering name brands dCS Lina, Meitner MA3, MSB?

Wilson Alexia V

Dan D'Agostino S250

Mac mini running Roon

Is anyone really winning in this space.  Tough for me to demo at home as I'm 2 hours from HiFi Shops and they are kind of limited in the direct to consumer DACs.

Thank you!


The I2s standard is pretty much theoretical. To me, the main advantage of I2s is being able transmit digital data with fewer conversions and clock. Unfortunately, many I2s devices don’t transmit clock signals, or the DAC isn’t setup to receive and use the clock.

My Aurender N20/May Holo DAC KTE aren’t quite up to my analog, but very very close. To be fair, my analog cost many times what I have spent on digital, so I consider the Holo to be a great performer. Where it sits today compared to other DACs in this price range, I do not know.

The PS Audio DAC 2 wasn’t out when I purchased the Holo, but it does come with a 30 day trial period, so that might be a good place to start. I would ignore the vitriol around the subject of hum in that a trial in your home would suffice and be more relevant. I don’t know where you can do the same type of trial with the T&A, but that just might be out there. I believe that they are priced the same.

I’ve had the Lumin D2, Lumin P1, MHDT Pagoda Balanced, Krell Illusions ii used internal DAC, Node 2i and a couple other DAC’s I’m forgetting about along the way.  I have a PS Audio MK2 currently.  I’ve used Lumin and Auralic dedicated streamers.  Synergy is key, power supplies and clean power make a big difference.  Your preference on sound characteristics is also a huge factor.  Some really high end DAC’s are very clean, detailed, dead quite and can lean toward analytical.  R2R especially a tube design tend to be warmer, more analogue but they don’t have the level of detail, nuances nor are they as quite.  Hearing the differences also largely depends on your supporting gear.  Some gear will really highlight the differences between DAC’s and some set ups won’t present noticeable differences.  The list you have compiled is a strong list, you’ve gotten some nice suggestions on what to add to the list.  I’d add Lumin to it, they are highly regarded in the Hifi space and their gear tends to punch above its weight class.  Not because I have it currently but the PS Audio DAC is getting rave reviews by many.  In my system it has a more laid back quality than some other DAC’s I’ve used.  If you do spend the coin on one of the DAC’s I’d echo comments, suggestions on replacing your Mac as a streamer, if you are spending that kind of money on a DAC having a high quality streamer is key to getting the most out of it.  I’ve done an A/B comparison and found a streamer to be a big improvement and the vast majority of forums I’ve read lean into the virtues of a streamer vs using a PC or Mac as a streamer. Good Luck! 

Every system is different.  The only way to know what you prefer is to hear the DAC in your system.  I've recently listened to the Tambaqui and Bartok in my system. I prefer the Chord Dave to both.

Not sure I could get use to the look of the Chord Dave....

I'm very open to just using the mac mini to run core and getting a dedicated streamer.

Leaning toward the MSB Discrete DAC.  I like the upgradability and the modular digital inputs.  Build quality looks pretty high so I assume it's reliable and they would service it.  

So for a dedicated streamer/player.  Probably don't have the funds for a Taiko yet but what would be on par with the MSB Discrete DAC?