Bybee Technologies Crystal Series Plug-in Speaker Bullets.

I’ve been an Audiophile for over 30 years, and one of the most important and critical lessons I’ve learned over the years in high end audio was about the utilization of audio "Tweaks." Specifically, tweaks for my speakers. Some 15 years ago or so, one of my local high end audio dealers introduced me to the Bybee Tech (plug-in) Speaker Bullets (along with other types of tweaks for audio components) and I was absolutely floored by the many ways those babies effected and improved the sound of any pair of speakers, regardless of price. I’ve been using the Bybee speaker bullets every since. Expensive? Yes. But, for me, worth every penny. I found the plug-in variety of speaker bullets to be even more effective in filtering out the noise than the internal ones, so again, I found the plug-ins by Bybee Tech be be the most effective. If you have no experience with these types of fascinating devices, then you just simply have no idea, period. The Bybee speaker bullets are a revelation!!!


Pure snake oil.

The Bybee Quantum Purifier was nothing more than an ultra low resistor worth 50 cents..There was a very long running and amusing thread on Stereonet about them.A set were sent around to members to try with the vast majority reporting no difference.Or if there was it was more to do with the banana plugs/connections ued.It seems that aligator clips might work though!And who knows if they were cryo treated alligator clips?


I totally agree. High end audio is just saturated with, what I consider to be, overpriced items, and some tweaks are no exception. Whether it be speakers (especially), amps, racks, etc., todays manufacturers are asking a ton of dinero for their products. I certainly do wish the Bybee Speakers Bullets were more reasonably priced. But the reality is, if you want something bad enough, and you have the funds, you just have to suck it up and purchase.  Just that simple. Isn’t that how life works?  Luckily for me, I was able to find a pre-owned set online and only paid just over a third of retail for them, which was "SWEET."  There's times in my life when I’m perfectly willing to pay more for something that I’m passionate about, and also for something that absolutely knocks my socks off. If I weren’t able to find a used set of these online at such a sweet deal, I would’ve eventually been able mustered up the funds to purchase  new, with absolutely no regrets. Happy listening.

I never bought any tweaks why?

There is two reasons...

--First they are costly generally, but also i prefer to create my homemade "tweaks" for listening experiments... i created many... 😊 with success...

--Second and it is the main reason: "tweaks" can hide, from the consciousness of those consumers purchasing these costly "tweaks", the real improving necessary controls work needed over the mechanical, electrical and acoustical embeddings dimensions...

"Tweaks" are exactly like a band-aid plaster on a wound, so useful they can be , they do not replace the disinfectant and the anti-biotic especially if they work...And many work...

Then criticizing all "tweaks" as placebo is idiotic ideology and the sign of someone who has never make any experiments of his own, exactly like the passive consumers believing in these costly tweaks and buying them .. Some works anyway ...

But tweaks do not replace basic acoustic knowledge anymore than upgrading our amplifier for a very costly one will solve basic acoustic or vibrations control...

Then string of successive "upgradings" is often like successive buying string of "tweaks", a lost of money at least a part of it, and if it is not a lost of money , it is a passive consumerist act that HIDE the urgent need of the same necessary work in the controls of mechanical , electrical, and acoustical embeddings dimensions for ANY audio system at ANY price...And no upgrade nor any tweaks can replace the work around the three embeddings control...


«In life there always exist two opposite side, idiots on each side»--Groucho Marx 🤓

«Chicken understand only binary logic, not Q-bit»-- Anonymus farmer


You confirm that tweaks, whether you buy them, or, create them yourself, work.  So, what's all the additional gobbledygook all about?  You're contradicting yourself all over the place.  Hey buddy, it's not that serious.  Relax, and enjoy the music.