For back ground music/lower volumes all of these amps will sound exactly the same. Seriously, you will not be able to pick them apart blind with any statistically significant confidence. The lowest cost suggestion is the one you should go with. Personally I'd look for a Linn Classik which has a built in CD player and enough inputs to meet your needs. The Classik goes for around $250-400 and if you sold the Sony CD player (1k) ARC Preamp (5k), PS DAC (500), and the Perreaux ($600) you'd have a net credit around $6500 give or take and a lot less clutter.
If you don't believe me pick up the Linn and do a blind A/B comparison with your current system using the Perreaux at the listening levels you intended. Have non-audiophile frends and family weigh in if possible, as it may be difficult for you to set aside your expectation bias.