New Bookshelf speakers u love 3k to 6k

Narrowing down my selection and the reference 3 a mm de capo with all the current upgrades seems to be the winner thus far. That speaker is around 3k. In the next sequence of spending upwards..we have the 3k to 6k interested in what anybody has listended to that is mind blowing.
"01-17-15: Nyaudio98
I started this thread to see what other thought of speakers costing more and which ones. The ref 3 a de capo's have gotten sensational feedback from many many many people. "

Thats really not the best way to go about this. Depending on a variety of factors, you may prefer a speaker that costs less. The only thing better than a $6000 pair of speakers is a pair of $3000 that sound just as good, if not better.

As far as recommending a speaker goes, I have a pair of Wilson Cubs that sound pretty good. If you find a good used pair, try and demo them.

I have heard great things about your speaker, mostly on AG.

As you may know I've become extremely impressed with current offerings from Wavetouch Audio. I would be very interested in a comparison between
the Clearwave Duet 6 and a pair of current model GT's. Do you happen to be in the Los Angeles area?...or know of another owner here that might be game for comparing the strengths and weaknesses of each?


Thanks for the offer but I still have about a hundred hours of break in before I settle on these speakers so as to not kick myself in the rear for not trying something else :-)

I'm curious about something you mentioned on another thread about Tonian Labs and how you feel they are one of the best bargains out there. Do you feel that the Wavetouch monitors have a similar sound to the Tonians? If so, then they are some mighty fine speakers. It's just that I wanted to try a speaker that has the ability to mimic the Tonians (speed, see thru qualities, dynamics, etc.) and add more extension and pack a fuller tone, if you will, on the mids and bass, which the Clearwaves are now doing.

All the best,

What model are you referring to? Tony's speakers are very Tony. His speakers are extremely revealing and pure etc. I have not done a direct comparison with Tony's speakers but the GT SE's, which are Alex's top speaker @ $3500 are presenting true 3 dimensional see-through sound within its frequency range that presents (in my opinion) a Wilson-esque subjective fullness but with a purity and ability to pull every bit of micro acoustic detail and portrait it with its accurate amount of pressurization...from the recording... to the extent your equipment is capable. That may sound like fluff but in all honesty, for a small 2 way it can do some things I've never heard before. There's a fine line between dynamically accurate yet not be too fast so that the leading edge still serves the harmonic fabric which must seem to hang in the air... Somehow this speaker captures both; It has accurate (subjectively realistic) micro (especially) and macro dynamics with true harmonic definition and complexity, even sweetness. It is not perfect however (what is) and like any truly great loudspeaker (transparent and mostly characterless) if time isn't taken to won't reach the summit. And for the record, I think some of Tony's speaker can be too fast...If you get my meaning.

Nice job on your in room measuring. What are the dimensions of the room?
