My head hurts....

Looking to upgrade my digital and there are so many choices and possible alternatives that has my head spinning
Should I hold off and wait to see where digital is heading
I like my present universal player but alway's have an itch to see what else is out there

Opinions appreciated
I said to a friend once, "My head is hurting!"

he said, "With a head like that, it's no wonder!"

Digital still hasn't reached it's maturity. it's far better today than in the past however.

it moves quite fast as well. PCs even faster in terms of changes - updates - speed - and performance. With PC audio or even just plain old PC/MAC you just have to jump in. If you are waiting for the best, it'll be no better than this now to come along... you'll never get in, as changes continue. The changes now are lessened and come in more subtle ways... more incrementally.

Similarly, the digital audio front is ongoing, yet not done. Also newest isn't always best here.

I wanted a PC back in 95 or so. got one too. a 486 laptop. it sucked. I didn't know what to do with it and it was rather quirky. I sold it and made myself $300. ...and waited. in 2000 I got on board 100%. Got a new PC... and shortly thereafter a brand new CD player.

That was 4 pcs and 3 cd players ago... and eight years.

Don't wait.... or you won't ever do it...not with that I'll wait till they figure it out first, notion.

You don't think that way with cars, refridgerators, TVs, or fishing rods, right? Well, all of those things are being improved upon too. Routinely.

The "I'll wait tilll..." is just a cop out for the fear factor. Never allow fear to paralyze... Fear comes with all new experiences. The only truly wrong move is to not make one.

Good luck which ever way you choose.
I have tried many players as well as having vinyl when I was much younger and am very happy with my cdp and can listen for hours.
Good luck in your search.
Funny... My digital front end makes my headache go away.

There's some pretty sounding digital out there, buys (and I'm a vinyl guy).
The future is in digital servers.

Keep the CD player and take a look at the Roku Soundbridge to broaden your variety of music available. If you have a high speed Internet connection, you can use it to play countless very decent sounding Internet radio stations right out of the can.

If you have a PC and a wireless or wired network at home, you can rip your disks to a loss less file format on disk and start to experiment with a music server.

You can feed a DAC or other digital processors from the Roku to upgrade the sound quality as well if desired.

If you get another CD, make sure it has digital outputs and inputs so you might use it as a transport or DAC alone down the road as well if desired.
If you like your present player, there's no need to upgrade because of unhappiness with the present sound. It seems that your motivation is to explore. Waiting and seeing what will happen is not a good alternative because things always change and you will waiting forever. In my view, the great new frontier is computer based audio. That's where I would suggest you start educating yourself and exploring.