Garbage In Garbage out

I stumbled into an interview with the guy who owns you may have heard of him. /snark.  Actually I was on youtube watching @OCDHIFiGuy who had an interview with the guy you may have heard of. 

Anyhow, I watched about 2 hours of Mr. Mark talking about the backasswards Hi Fi industry and how hedge funds have bought once venerable names and turned them into mass market Mid-Fi. For example Harmon Audio owns his name and brand and has diluted it. McIntosh is another example of corporatized Hi Fi. Post W. Zane Johnson Audio Research seems to have fallen away as well. (I'm hoping the new owner is a purist)

What really struck me was how Mark detailed the variability in the original studio gear as it recorded a session  and how it can make for some really lousy recordings. "Audio systems don't reproduce music they reproduce recordings of music" 

He talked about the Holy Grail original highspeed analogue master tape and how it cannot be reproduced without discernable loss.

He also had what I considered a brilliant observation on how inefficient speakers are turning wattage into heat (like your car brakes do) and the result is lost detail. He likes -100db or better efficiency. He quoted Nelson Pass on "The first watt is the most important watt" and cited the Bell Labs 1936 papers and how advanced they are and how they influenced great audio men like Klipsch and Pass.

Some hours later I am re-thinking my entire (apparently mid-fi) existence. 



128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xyesiam_a_pirate

Those first Mark Levinson products - the JC1 head amp and the JC2 preamp were designed by John Curl. The ML1 preamp and the two power amps - the ML2 class A 25 watt Mono’s and the ML3 200wpc - were designed by Tom Colangelo. Mark Levinson used his wealth to hire top notch engineers for his products.

Ivor Tiefenbrunn's "It all starts with the source" helped sell many thousands of Linn Sondek LP12 turntables! I'm onto my second one!

@yesiam_a_pirate Wrote:

He also had what I considered a brilliant observation on how inefficient speakers are turning wattage into heat (like your car brakes do) and the result is lost detail. He likes -100db or better efficiency. 

This has been known for over eighty years. See articles below George Augspurger was an engineer for JBL in the 1950's. In my opinion, a high powered amplifier that can drive lower impedances will never be a proxy for a speakers lack of true efficiency. 



@recklesskelly  When did I claim to be to a marketer or businessman?  My role in audio is as a consumer.  But I agree with your depiction of Mark as a marketer.  Being successful in this industry takes great marketing.   Engineers can design a circuit that will deliver 500 watts with less then .5% distortion but its marketing that makes it "warm" or "bloom" or have "air".  Well marketers, critics, and a whole lot of golden eared internet fanboys.     

The fact remains none of these guys blind test. I have alot more respect for the wine industry.  To be a master of wine you have to correctly identify regions, varietals and vintages purely on taste.  Fewer then 500 have passed the exam since its inception in 1953. Thats less then the number of people that summit Everest every year. The truth is we have a natural tendency to overstate our own skills, and don't like to admit how much psychology and social cues play into our opinion.  It would be cool if they had audio testing standards based on listening skills, but then we'd probably end up concluding that most of this stuff sounds the same no matter how much we'd like to justify price with performance. 

Mark's observations are his own subjective opinions. His previous experience founding an audio company and now running a division at Harmon havent given him some ungodly perceptive skills.  If anything those skills are worse now then when he was younger. The guy put a big amp in a pretty box. His most impressive accomplishment imo was keeping Kim Kottrall happy for a few years.