Why Do Cables Matter?

To me, all you need is low L, C, and R. I run Mogami W3104 bi-wire from my McIntosh MAC7200 to my Martin Logan Theos. We all know that a chain is only as strong as its' weakest link - so I am honestly confused by all this cable discussion. 

What kind of wiring goes from the transistor or tube to the amplifier speaker binding post inside the amplifier? It is usually plain old 16 ga or 14 ga copper. Then we are supposed to install 5 - 10' or so of wallet-emptying, pipe-sized pure CU or AG with "special configurations" to the speaker terminals?

What kind of wiring is inside the speaker from the terminals to the crossover, and from the crossover to the drivers? Usually plain old 16 ga or 14 ga copper.

So you have "weak links" inside the amplifier, and inside the speaker, so why bother with mega expensive cabling between the two? It doesn't make logical sense to me. It makes more sense to match the quality of your speaker wires with the existing wires in the signal path [inside the amplifier and inside the speaker].




@knownothing Sorry I didn’t answer your well thought out response. Here is where we were talking past each other.

you said:

I also maybe misinterpreted your point to mean it is hopeless to use way more expensive cables than the recording studio, because you might be trying to score a 12 out of 7 in replaying the recording, and that is just such a ridiculous concept, right? Nobody would claim that. Right? At least I haven’t read a single post in this thread where anyone claimed that.

I assumed that smart audiophiles wouldn’t waste money by spending such large amounts of money percentage on particular components like boutique cables. This is what I mean by creating information because of the money audiophiles spend on cables. Have you ever hear of anyone using the proper terminology saying this cable is closing the deficiency in my signal by adding such and such frequency, easy to say nope they say as well as every manufacture say these cable add air, space, musicality, depth, soundstage to the presentation...... It’s not a matter of semantics it’s a matter of fraud.

Nobody will answer the question - if you put a firehose in-between two garden hoses everyone knows it will do no good why is it that so many people think inserting an expensive cable between regular conductors is going to make a difference? That is exactly the question I asked all the cable manufactures I saw at AXPONA none of them had an answer. Thanks for being thoughtful.


Post removed 


You say: ”Super turbo mega cables inserted between a skinny fuse and the crossover wire a speaker can't make a difference just like inserting a firehose between two garden hoses can't make a difference. In physics in called Kickoffs law.”

Terrible analogy.  Let me give you a better one. 

“Super turbo mega cables inserted between a skinny fuse and the crossover wire inside a speaker can make a real difference in what you hear, just like inserting a leakproof section of hose with great leakproof fittings between two garden hoses can make a difference in conserving pressure and flow compared to an equal length section of drip irrigation hose with leaky connectors.”

You either refuse to listen, or you are completely incapable of understanding even the most simple concepts.  

We have all been here before.


@knownothing I hear you and understand what you are saying but no one who doesn't believe in very expensive cables advocates using poor or "leaky" cables. I use Kimber cables for speakers, AC and Canare star quad for interconnects definitely better than the average recording studio. I was the first person to ever be fully digital in my location recording system one of the reasons why it was so effective was because I bypassed cables all together being digital and wireless gave me exact signal continuity and I didn't have to worry about cables always causing a crackle or a hum at exactly the wrong time. I've thought a lot about cables in my career. I've been trying to understand why so many people are willing to spend so much money on cables, when no studio does, easy question really, 0 answers but plenty of attacking me and not the arguments. Best