Quick Question About Power Cables

Hi All,

I recently bought a Bryston BDP 3 streamer/renderer and love how refined and relaxed it sounds. I would like it more if the bass was a bit more controlled and had a little more impact. A friend and Audiogon member suggested I try an Audio Sensability Statement Power Cable. He bought one for his tube DAC and said the bass got tighter an offered better slam. Anyway, for those who are PC savy, what are your thoughts on the matter? Thanks!


@audphile1 We have an Audioquet dealer here in town and they were recommending the Monsoon, giving it's modest price point. They did say however that the Audioquest cables are slightly forward but the Bryston is so relaxed, that a little forward might be perfect. I am a little hesitant however to pay for the Audioquest name, thinking that a lesser known name brand could offer a better value.

I was just listening to Beethoven Cello Sonatas with Andre Schiff and Miklos Perenyi on ECM and it sounded very good. There was a section where both piano and cello crescendo to triple forte and it seemed to inundate the microphones, making separation difficult to capture but the recording is the recording.

Anyway, a better fuse and a better cable are on my radar.

@lowrider57 yeah, just so many options. The fuse swap I've tried before on my DAC, so I know what to expect there.

@ghdprentice not totally confident about Cardas cables though I often see the Clear Beyond PC's on the used market.

Why would a high-end company sell you a product with a cord that compromises the product's capabilities?  "To save money"...?  No, if the company thought that putting a $200 power cable on would "increase the bass slam" or any such thing, they'd do it, and market it to make that proclamation.