Vacuum tube amplified headphones... an item that personally I've no real interest in, nor am I in any way linked to or have any potential to make any financial gain upon....nor do I know any of those involved with them....

But, in the interest of those would might find such an item of interest:

Kickstart This...

When a pair hits your pate, let me know if it's a hit *ow*...or a miss *(f/m voice) "What?..."*

I get notifications on K/S projects, and this is the 1st one I've seen of this nature.
If I see anything of an 'phile nature, I'll post it 'for your consideration'...just because. ;)

Have a great weekend, J


....and,’s PRC.
Sorry ’bout that, but...since it appears there’s more of a market (or an interest in finding/making one) for an item such as this that’s not US nor EU....or anyone in existence to ’run it up the flagpole’, flip, flop, or fly...🤷‍♂️

Interesting chip, tho’...*G*

...besides....they're already fully-funded, and 'you can be the 1st on your block' bunch....*L*

"It sounds to me like I am listening on vinyl" - LOL! Plenty of falsehoods here! 

@jasonbourne71 ....just the piano player here, no judgements on my part.

"Hands where you can see them, officer...." ;)
There's pro PA gear that's used to 'create that tube sound', both live and studio for quite awhile now.  So, as for 'falsehoods'...I'll pull an Officer Bar Brady:

"Nothing to see here....move along..."  *L*