I just arrived at the conclusion that if you are to await my "prepared hand response", and, the time it would take me to key in in onto the forum, you may not receive it until after the Summer, or, perhaps, even after the "Rapture". (Perhaps, a bit of exaggeration).
Therefore, I have determined just to simply comment on some points you covered in your collective postings, and provide a comment or response. And, if you have a particular issue in mind, you can relate back to the categories I have placed them in. Also, I do not have sufficient details of some particular subjects to accurately determine and calculate an appropriate formulation that will accommodate all your requirements. When I have that info, then the process is much easier for me to do, rather than review the "grand scheme of related issues". So, here we go:
A.). You made a statement in a post, and I quote, "Ultrasonic Cleaning is an unfortunate Fad". In only 6 words you have expressed yourself so succinctly, I can not conceive a more concise and accurate way of expressing that position. I congratulate you and admire the clarity. Obviously, you will not find any disagreement from me in this matter, so I will move on.
B.) Your "residue" experience buy placing 1 cc. of store purchased distilled water leaving residue on a black glass plate is NOT related to the water. I decided to duplicate what you did in a somewhat different manned. First, I used 3.5 inch clear glass slide plates that would fit onto my wife’s $13,000.00 Leica microscope. I should inform you that our house is heated and cooled via forced air. In addition to a pre filter, we have installed the largest Electrostatic Air Cleaner that is made for residential purposes by Honeywell. Afterwards the air flows to a combo activated carbon after filter. Also awe have throughout the house 3 of the largest HEPA room filters made by Honeywell as well. One of these is in my home office where I conducted the tests. The Temperature that day in the office was 68 F, and the Relative Humidity was 35%. I should state we live in the country in a rather dusty environment due to the clay soil, and, at the time we were being affected by the wildfires in Quebec.
I injected 1 cc of store bought distilled water onto the plate. It created a slightly irregular 36 mm diameter circle. I did the same with double distilled water, and then did the same using my "formulation", that is when I noticed "I needed a bigger boat". It had spread across all the glass. The "formulation" evaporated in 13 minutes. The two water samples went beyond 3 hours and 45 minutes. This is where I gave myself a failing grade. I forgot to either change or check the battery in the timer. Whoops! Did look at the samples after 9 hours under the microscope. Ignore this initial test. Changed the amount of sample material to 0.20 cc for all samples. Ran all the following: Store-bought Distilled Water, Double distilled water, my "Formulation", Tetrahydrofuran, Freon 113 (1,1,2 trichloro-1,2,2, trifrluroethane), Acetone, Methyl Ethyl Ketone, Methyl Isobutyl Ketone, Ethanol (95.6% pure with water), Cosmetic Grade Isopropyl Alcohol (99.999% purity), Butanol, Toluene, Heptane, Hexane, and Naphtha.
My wife examined the residue, basically because she is great at identifying "things". Also, she probably does not like me "playing" with her Leica microscope. Now, I can swamp you with details, however, the results became very obvious very quickly. First, let me state there was NO DIFFERENCE between the store bought distilled water, and the double distilled water which was run through a 4 stage deionizing unit prior to distillations. Second, all the residues were basically very, very similar. The major residue (37%) was particles caused by the clay environment, (34%) was "house dust", surprisingly (15% to 18%) were from dust particles from the Sahara Desert. Said, surprisingly because of the wind direction at the time and the time of year. The other (12% to 13%) was organic in nature. Dead skin deposits, insect parts and debris. No ash was noted or identified. Obviously, the most abrasive material was from the Sahara and afterwards the clay particulates. I believe insect bits would also be abrasive.
But, the AMOUNT of residue was directly related to the evaporation rates. Freon 113 having the least (basically nothing) followed by the others. Pure ethanol did well. The "Very Best Record Cleaner Formulation" did well primarily because of the Azeotropic chacteristics, but also related to the Surface Tension because it covered a far greater area for the evaporation to occur.
So, there you have it. The residue formation is essentially related to EVAPORATION RATE and SURFACE TENSION. Keep in mind, that unlike your original formulation that also contained a very large quantity of BAK, these test samples contained NOTHING ELSE except my 'Formulation" that contained a minute of Tergitol 15-S-7.
C.) How did you make out locating and obtaining the 2-phenoxyethanol? To prevent mold growth.
D.). I find vacuum cleaning of records extremely convenient and effective. As I mentioned to someone else, I was given a VPI-HW17 Record Cleaning Machine from someone that I had purchased other items. That was 28 years ago and never considered anything else. When I am lazy, I also take "Short-Cuts", which seems to be O.K. as well, as long as I am using my formulation and not rinsing, just air-drying in both cases.
E.) We need to discuss your static problem and avoid including another ingredient if it is not necessary. If we determine it is necessary, then I can suggest non-ionic surfactants that are specifically designed for such purposes. Not saying that cat-ionics, quaternary ammonium salts are not great antistatic agents. But, they are not necessary, and, especially at the levels you introduced.
I have no idea what kind of turntable you have. You did not say. And that would help. Bun, let me take a guess by reading you and your posts "between the lines" as I did the Triton X-100. I believe you may have a SOTA. Either a SOTA Cosmos, or, an adaptation from SOTA. Nevertheless, you should not be generating THAT much static that consistently, and that frequently. No disrespect to SOTA (if it is a SOTA), or, any other quality turntable manufacturer. However, sometimes turntable manufacturers overlook some basics. I assume they are using vacuum tubing. I know that the vacuum is not great and does not necessarily need vacuum tubing, but, they shouldn’t skimp in this area for pennies. If it is vacuum tubing, I hope that it is CONDUCTIVE, or, at least SEMI-CONDUCTIVE, and that all the fittings are made of either copper (preferred), or, a conductive material. And, that this is all grounded properly. Also, the vacuum pump should be shielded with copper coated foil, or copper foil, or copper mesh which is also grounded. I do not know, I have never examined a vacuum clamping system or investigated it, nor, do I intend to, other than the turntable that you possess.
If this was not done, then it should be corrected, and I can help you. So, I would need that information first. Because if you attend to this matter in this way, you do not need to consider additives. I will await your information. If it is attended to already as outlined, then I would require some other specifics to make accurate calculations and give you some alternative options to consider. There are Non-ionic surfactants that would be incorporated at much lower levels. Surfactants such as DOWFAX 63N10, or DOWFAX 20B102, or ECOSURFTM Bright 12 Surfactant. Or, other items such as Polyethylene Glycol with a Equivalent Weight of 200, or, amines, such as DETA (Diethylenetriamine). But, we can cross that bridge when we arrive there.
First feedback on the CONDUCTIVITY of the turntable system, if than necessary, answers to a series of questions before I speculate any further. I just wanted to tell you these things because you have options, and, they are very good options.
I have some other matters, but, it may be best that I await your feedback.
Take care. Till a later time again, hopefully, it will not be so long this next time.
Thank you for listening.