concrete (cinder) block tower with wood chopping block for turntable stand

Any suggestions from users who have done, or contemplate doing this. I looked at concrete blocks at Lowes last night. I made two stacks of 3 side by side, plus a solid block (without the center openings) as the top block. This gave me about 34" in height. Then the thought is either a Walnut or Bamboo chopping board for a top shelf. I would use four cork or cork/rubber sandwich (2"X 2") squares to couple the wood chopping block to the concrete tower. I am also considering an Isoacoustics platform as a more expensive alternative. Fire away....?


@kingharold , if it's mass & weight in wood, I can recommend locust (rubinia), any variety...and given the thought I just might give it a go..*G*

I end up with short but large diameter chunks and some slab (3"+) 'drops' that have to be moved with a hand truck...

Laughs @ carbide....even dried, it's worse than the monoblock from hell...

Pre-drill or strip the head of fasteners....Snaps lag screws where the threads end if you don't.   Only recourse is to grind it flush.

@tonywinga Not something I do when listening. It sounds so much better than previous wood and metal stands. 

If you tap on the cinder or concrete blocks with a hammer

I have used a tubular steel Sound Organisation stand with my Linn Sondek for 40 years. No complaints about bounciness or ringing. 
The ton of bricks solutions seems like overkill to me. 

Wasn't expecting so many responses. It's a dedicated room, which I have free reign to do as I wish. There are ways to spruce up the look...I think after a trip to the fabric store and a little creativity, it can be made to look acceptable. I moved the table over from  an Ikea Square (LACK?) table to my Lignolab rack. I wanted to keep the Ligno for my main setup, and use the blocks so I could situate my systems on different walls. But I'm going to see how the Luxman table performs on the Ligno rack. I think $2500 will buy a nice audio rack, but I just want to keep this system at a certain budget. I allowed myself a second system but promised myself to keep it sane. Another words, no $3K audio racks.