Speaker cable suggestion

Looking for a neutral and transparent sounding shotgun pair. Naturalness in the bass is utmost importance. New or used, budget is $1k.
Kzhtoo, check other sites. I sold my 8' banana bi-wire Heimdall on other sites about 4 weeks ago. I still have Heimdall ic's for sale there as well. Other sites don't have the volume of Audiogon, but there are less fees and fewer lowballers. Audiogon is but one option.
@ jmcgrogan2,you hit the nail on the head!lowballers!,can you share some good sites for selling?
I really like your idea of the SR Tesla. They would definitely be on my short list as well. With nothing to lose I'd try the Grover Huffman cables too.
@Audiolabyrinth, I don't know how long this will stay up, as these boards are moderated, but I have found Audio Asylum Trader, US Audiomart and it's sister CanuckAudiomart, Sound Offers and Ebay to be a few other alternatives for buying.

I currently have stuff for sale on Audio Asylum Trader and US Audiomart. Like I said, the volume isn't as high, so if you are in a rush to sell, Audiogon is still the best option for a quick sale.
@ jmcgrogan2,Thanks a million!,I just wrote everything down for buying and selling sites you posted,I currently use e-bay and the audiogon,I have no experience with other sites,to me,sometimes its about what you deserve to get for the product you are selling!,thanks again for helping me!