Speaker cable suggestion

Looking for a neutral and transparent sounding shotgun pair. Naturalness in the bass is utmost importance. New or used, budget is $1k.
@ jmcgrogan2,you hit the nail on the head!lowballers!,can you share some good sites for selling?
I really like your idea of the SR Tesla. They would definitely be on my short list as well. With nothing to lose I'd try the Grover Huffman cables too.
@Audiolabyrinth, I don't know how long this will stay up, as these boards are moderated, but I have found Audio Asylum Trader, US Audiomart and it's sister CanuckAudiomart, Sound Offers and Ebay to be a few other alternatives for buying.

I currently have stuff for sale on Audio Asylum Trader and US Audiomart. Like I said, the volume isn't as high, so if you are in a rush to sell, Audiogon is still the best option for a quick sale.
@ jmcgrogan2,Thanks a million!,I just wrote everything down for buying and selling sites you posted,I currently use e-bay and the audiogon,I have no experience with other sites,to me,sometimes its about what you deserve to get for the product you are selling!,thanks again for helping me!
You are welcome.

There are other smaller sites too, like Audio Circle, AudioAficionado, Hydrogenaudio that have for sale items too. I've never sold there, and some, like AudioAficionado, require you to be a member (pay a fee) to visit the members for sale section. There's always Craigslist too. I've heard of fellows who got lucky there, but I've never found anything. Happy hunting.