T+A DAC 200 or WEISS 501

Who will take what if given an opportunity lets take a vote.


I should add that I think the T+A is an excellent DAC, but so far it is not the right one for my system.

@ghastley....You're wrong about the Aavik...That's his reference integrated.  Sorry.


No need to be sorry @mbmi however, if you take a moment to click on the below link before Huff deletes it from his garage sale section, you will clearly see that his Aavik is listed as "sale pending".


You're welcome.


It seems like some of the descriptions of the various DACs qualities (soundstage width, depth etc. ) are more likely to be determined by the room. How can a DAC affect these things? Thanks 

@ghastley...  (293) These NEW Reference MONITOR Speakers are STUNNING! Soul, Beauty and REAL BASS! - YouTube...look at the date on his garage sale .. Early MAY........now check this video 10 days ago where he states that the Aavik is his Reference integrated and the BEST sounding amp with the new speakers that he reviewed...C'mon man...you gotta get up to speed....it's june 26th. You're still livin' in May...haha,   SORRY!