@roxy54, Interesting idea. I've not heard the Audio Note, but they are well reviewed. I'll see if I can find a pair to audition somewhere.
@rar1, I love Zu and had not thought about them. Can they be placed up against the wall? I've only heard the Druid 5 out in the room a ways, and figured that ruled them out for me.
@paradisecom, I used to own a pair of La Scala's way back in the late 70's. I loved them, particularly after I modded the crossovers and adopted the new (1980) mid driver. They would be too large, but the Cornwall IV... Hmmm.
@hedwigstheme, they don't have to be high efficiency, I just generally like the sound and dynamic contrasts of high efficiency speakers. I've never heard of Gradient revolution, but I'm looking them up right after i hit send on this reply.
Thank you all.