Did Amir Change Your Mind About Anything?

It’s easy to make snide remarks like “yes- I do the opposite of what he says.”  And in some respects I agree, but if you do that, this is just going to be taken down. So I’m asking a serious question. Has ASR actually changed your opinion on anything?  For me, I would say 2 things. I am a conservatory-trained musician and I do trust my ears. But ASR has reminded me to double check my opinions on a piece of gear to make sure I’m not imagining improvements. Not to get into double blind testing, but just to keep in mind that the brain can be fooled and make doubly sure that I’m hearing what I think I’m hearing. The second is power conditioning. I went from an expensive box back to my wiremold and I really don’t think I can hear a difference. I think that now that I understand the engineering behind AC use in an audio component, I am not convinced that power conditioning affects the component output. I think. 
So please resist the urge to pile on. I think this could be a worthwhile discussion if that’s possible anymore. I hope it is. 


Your argument doesn't hold water about me because I am not a typical youtuber.

That's exactly what I wrote:

YouTubers need to differentiate themselves from the crowd of competing YouTubers.

You have differentiated yourself quite distinctly!

Post removed 

asr is good for things like power conditioners, cables, probably dacs too, maybe amps for some useful measures like power stability at different loads and such

IMO asr is least useful for speakers, which are far more personal

@mahgister +1

There is one thing i like about Amir investigation...

It debunk the myth and magic marketing LINEAR link between S.Q. and price tag...There is none...

For example in dac... Dac is a mature technology, and we can now afford a very good one at relatively low price.


I think a member who isn’t pleased with a post can just report it, which usually results in the post being quickly deleted. Seems like it can be a petty "I’ll show them" response.

So it’s not necessarily that mods are scouring the thread looking to delete.

I’ve had plenty of bafflingly benign posts deleted via, I believe, this route.

this is correct and entirely consistent with my experience

there are different mods on duty at any given time, tammy is the most thoughtful one, others will just delete stuff if requested without much if any thought -- all this is mostly just harmless drivel as they see it (a bunch of bored old men, sad nerds, and a few habitual troublemakers sparring) -- and they are largely right