@cleeds Why you have taken my words out of context to attack my character, to attack Christianity is beyond me?
All I was stating is that people need to read the Bible of God. The Bible of the Israelites ! The Bible of Jacob, Isaac and Abraham and preferably the KJV, King James Version.
It's not my Bible. It is the Bible I choose to read and follow.
You can read anything or any Bible you want, I don't care. That's up to you.
I was simply pointing out that our younger generation is predisposed to believe and follow doctrines that are immoral.
I don't hate people from the various alphabet cultures. My fight is not with them. My battle is with higher principalities in dark places.
I am taking a stand for God. I am speaking the truth ! No one wants to hear the TRUTH. The TRUTH is ugly. The TRUTH is God's word. Boy I sure pulled the Bible haters out didn't I ?
If anyone here spoke against me for the speaking the TRUTH, then they are rebellious against God. They have proudly shown their stance on these positions.
The Bible teaches me to not hate these people, but to love them. I don't hate them. I simply don't agree with what they are doing.
What they are doing is immoral. It breaks down society. It destroys lives. It destroys marriages. It destroys families.
Sex and the occult have been linked closely together since the earliest of time. Baal, Ishtar and Molluck are still influencing and brainwashing our young.
It's all about the children.
I returned here today wearing the armor of God, and sharing the TRUTH.
Jesus said. If they hate you, remember that they hated me first !
Any particular reason why you decided to jump on the bandwagon to ridicule me ?