Your self-righteous diatribe assumes you are the only virtuous person on Audiogon. Many here are ladies and gentlemen from whom you could learn alot regarding audio, sprituality and life. Most rational members here leave their religious affiliations at the Audiogon door so as not to offend or push any stupid assumptions. We have a diverse membership of all religions and nationalities. It is equally offensive that you assume you are the only person who gets "it". You are not.
The "truth" is unfortunately, subjective when it comes to religion. The one with which you align seems to have a few inconsistencies (Lot and his daughters???? Its amazing that the male scribes got that one past the male editors of the day but hey....rationalizations know no bounds). The "book" to which you cling is actually a set of short stories compiled and voted upon at the council of Nicaea (4th century AD). And don’t get me started on the inconsitencies with the King James re-interpretation.
There is alot of good to garner from religious study, all religions...and there is alot where when overlaying simple, common logic (the story of Jonah??) things tend to fall apart. Its best to take it all in and throw out the parts where even the most objective might assume that human error litters the tundra of the texts.
The best practice on a hifi site might be to keep your religious beliefs and paranoia to yourself. The best practice on a religious belief and paranoia site might be to keep your hifi opinions to yourself. And before you pronounce from your self manufactured throne that you must be the modern day equivalent of Noah (which by the way was a nice tale but it didn't happen the way it was described), please recognize that many here have studied a great deal, have traveled extensively, they come from families with sometimes multiple clergy in their lineage (some even are clergy themselves).
Please keep the topic here on audio or please, respectfully, go pound sand.