Well I love what you’ve done with the system! However, I feel strongly that your not going to get the full potential out of the Exact cartridge upgrade using the awful bearing (steel) and brass thrust plate (end of spindle on sub platter) of the P2. There is however a wonderful and "Must have" upgrade,. This will change the bearing to a Cubic Zerconia bearing and a Sapphire thrustplate at the end of a polished steel shaft. REGA dosent make great tables, they make fantastic tonearms, so doing these simple do it your self upgrades will really make the table a lot more quiet,stable and reliable. The sound will improve by being more authoritative, dynamic, detailed, lively!
This will take that P2 to super heights and would be hard pressed to find better sound for less than $2,000!
You can change the platter too, Highly recommended.
Please Please do your self a favor and dont buy new records of old music or new records of new music because no one presses records from original master tapes they use a digital master which sux! and then they dont know how to press a record so you get horrible sound just horrible. Find OLD USED records from Atique malls and friends family or record conventions or estate sales ...anywhere but Barnes and Nobles or Walmart or Target...OMG! Find used record stores!