Did Amir Change Your Mind About Anything?

It’s easy to make snide remarks like “yes- I do the opposite of what he says.”  And in some respects I agree, but if you do that, this is just going to be taken down. So I’m asking a serious question. Has ASR actually changed your opinion on anything?  For me, I would say 2 things. I am a conservatory-trained musician and I do trust my ears. But ASR has reminded me to double check my opinions on a piece of gear to make sure I’m not imagining improvements. Not to get into double blind testing, but just to keep in mind that the brain can be fooled and make doubly sure that I’m hearing what I think I’m hearing. The second is power conditioning. I went from an expensive box back to my wiremold and I really don’t think I can hear a difference. I think that now that I understand the engineering behind AC use in an audio component, I am not convinced that power conditioning affects the component output. I think. 
So please resist the urge to pile on. I think this could be a worthwhile discussion if that’s possible anymore. I hope it is. 


I spoke about the acoustic embeddings of a system as primary...

But even electrical embeddings of a system matter a lot...

An anecdote:

I sold my big house and in this big house my audio system was connected to a secondary electrical panel at the second floor, then it was not connected directly on the main electrical panel of the house...

In my actual small one floor house , my system is connected directly on the main panel...

The decreasing of the electrical noise floor level is astonishing... The same gear give a more clearer outline of the sound source and a more transparent soundfield...My Sansui alpha, a very low noise floor  amplifier, as many other good amplifier,  go, metaphorically speaking, from low-fi or mid-fi level to super hi-fi as a costly upgrade formy ears experience...it was astonishing asw if i had another better system...

Acoustic and electrical and mechanical embeddings controls are more important than tasting gear upgrade with our ears, golden one or not, or by measuring their specs and saying that it is the ultimate KEY to audio...Sorry but as useful it can be, verified specs are not the key at all...

Why this is not evident for all ? The key is first acoustic, then electrical and mechanical embeddings control...

This war between people with their ears or tools around the gear components, resulted from the incredible blinders created by one century of gear marketing claims ...The marketers or the designers or the people measuring the gear, never sold us the idea that it is not enough to buy good gear and upgrade it, it is necessary and MORE IMPORTANT to learn how to listen first and doing so by embedding any system in the house/room acoustically, electrically and mechanically...


Acoustic is the queen asleep on the bed , our ears are the prince awakening the princess, the gear are only the 7 working dwarves in the room ...




«Acoustician use blind test time to time on some guinea pigs subjects for psycho-acoustic objective results in some experiments for example, but designing a room, no acoustician blind test himself, because he learn how to listen in doing so » -- Anonymus acoustician😎

This is the most absurd discussion I have ever read on Audiogon (and there have been plenty of contenders).  I understand the fascination with measurements, but I can't objectify my enjoyment of music. I like listening to different musical presentations (both live and reproduced), and I enjoy learning about different products, venues, performers, etc., but I can't say I consistantly enjoy one experience over the other – I guess it feels different depending on my mood.

For the record, I enjoy my wind-up Victrola as much as my hi-fi that plugs into the wall.

For the record, I enjoy my wind-up Victrola as much as my hi-fi that plugs into the wall.

i see what you did there @kahlenz 😂


"Personally I would never buy anything that wasn’t on his recommended list"

Well there are Dacs on his recommended list that measure very well that sound likr crap and have really poor quality control. Yet he recommends them. Wow!


You said do we have further questions.
1) Why are you so rude?
2) Why do you throw people off your site for presenting contrary opinions?
3) I bought my Dac at a hifi shop by listening to 7 different ones through the same equipment, with the same music and I had no idea what brand I was listening to or what it cost. The dealer was happy to go back and forth. I purchased the one that sounded second best, (I could not afford the best when I found out what it cost. ) I can tell you that the Topping I listened to sounded like crap with female voices. So do not tell me like some of your minions post, that all well measuring Dacs sound the same.
4) When you recommend something and it later proves to have poor build quality, why do you not take some responsibility and post this? Do you not think it is unethical to leave the product with a recommended rating and not address the quality issue?

LOL @amir_asr thinks he is done and keeps getting asked why he is rude. Tbh, I appreciate him being willing to answer people but he is shooting himself in the foot. I am a consistent contributor to ASR, which is how I found this. I will say it gives me a lot of hesitancy to give a website the censors speech because someone uses his website to generate interest in their side of the conversation. Shutting down a thread shoots you in the foot. You also claim it doesn't make you any money and you don't do it for the cash so why care if someone benefits from the traffic. The topic of audio integrity is still being talked about. 

Everyone is acting petulant here. Erin in old posts sounds not so nice, Amir isn't nice and he basically admits to being a d!#k. AJ from Soundfield sounds petty too. Makes me want to support none of these fools and enjoy the music on a system I find at Best Buy.