Scary white substance on Polyethylene Sleeves

Hi everyone, I have a concern for my record collection.

Back in 2020 I purchased Sleevecity’s budget 3.0 record sleeves which are made out of Polyethelyne, not PVC. Never had PVC. Today I noticed on many of the outside of the sleeves that there is this white residue that I can scrape off with my nail. Mostly along the edges of the sleeve where is stretched around the record, some in the middle too. It’s not on the record jacket itself or even on the inside of the sleeve, as far as I can tell. Records look fine too.

Has anyone experienced this with these sleeves and what is it?




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You maybe right on… an email reply today from sleeve city…


Thank you for contacting us.  This is something that we have seen occasionally over the years.  Per the manufacturer, the powder substance will not do any harm to the records, but it is an ingredient used to avoid the film from adhering together.  I hope this helps.  Please contact us if you have any additional questions.


the powder substance will not do any harm to the records, but it is an ingredient used to avoid the film from adhering together. 


I wonder if that applies to the "Living Stereo" records as well.