Qs about Grace F-9 U cartridge

Hello, I read here, on the forum; a long discussion about this cartridge with many enthusiastic (even ecstatic) opinions.

I would like to know is it really an absolutely outstanding cartridge and which version is worth acquiring (because there are many). I understood that a "ruby" version is very good but what about a " U " version. I am proposed Grace F-9U

in a very good condition (see pics

for some 500 usd. Do you think the price is correct?

Thank you very much



Yes, the Grace F9 is an excellent mm cartridge! The aluminum cantilever type is fine. The price is OK ($500). Let me go take a look on the eBay Japan sellers' sites. I might find you one for less!

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There is a Grace F9E for $350 + $10 shipping from eBay seller "meapc" in Los Alamos, NM. This is a very good buy!

All the Japanese sellers want around $500. I recommend buying the F9E from "meapc" !

Thank you .... But

F9E is elliptical, if I don’t make a mistake, and F9U is line contact (or shibata) if I am correct.

I always thought that shibata was a better form for the needle

and more expensive. If I decide to spend money, should not I buy the best available F9U for 500 usd than a cheaper but more ordinary F9E ?