If someone is not enough wise to separate my heavy syntax from my arguments from hearing theory aspects and call my posts "repetitious verbosity" this reflect more his limited mind process than my "verbosity"..
Just a question if i want to know if you get the point : What is the relation bettwen a Gibson ecological perspective on sound hearing impressions and a Fourier inspired one ?
And what is the relation of this with Amir opinions about measures and my opinion , and what are the relation of all this to design ; and WHY AM I WRONG OR RIGHT, in spite of my VERBOSITY ?
If you brain work, answer or DEBATE before insulting me...If you cannot BABBLE a RATIONAL answer go into the cells of hell reserved to your kind...
I dont insult anyone, if i did it because of my quick temper or by misunderstanding i APOLOGIZE but i answer to insults IMMEDIATELY ...
I wait for your answer and in details bright mind ...
Repetitious verbosity != DEEP