CSPort Turntable speed control

Wondering how the CSPort TAT1 and TAT2 lock on to speeds?  Is it reading the platter speed?  I see the plus and minus buttons and one that says lock.  Can't find a manual online...

Thank you!


Dear @lewm  : This is what CS Port says about the motor rotational speed:


" a highly accurate voltage is supplied to the motor without fluctuation based on a crystal oscillator with high frequency accuracy.  "


They use the word " accuracy " but not exactly by the TT speed stability that's in true inside " mediocrity " by CS Port spec: where the rotation precision is:

+,- 0.3%. This means that that TT has a swing of 0.6% on speed precision  ! go figure what you pay for that TT  $$$$$  !  ! I don't give it a " dime " for it.


I don't know what do you think about? and the owners?


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,


Interesting perspectives.  I'm always thinking about what sounds like really cool technology for turntables and then also how long that part last or that sensor or re-calibrating.  I think the SME Model 60 was just released and I don't think that table is doing live monitoring of the speed and making corrections....I think you calibrate it and leave it?

The Döhmann Helix One MK3 looks really cool!  Might be out of my budget.  

That Esoteric Grandioso T1 Magnetic drive systems looks really cool as well!  But I think it's a step up from what I'm looking at.  


Dear @chauncey : SME always been a sinonimous of truly high quality designs and excecution on those designs. The 60 is the Ultimate TT for any one no mtters what and with the advantage that comes with a new SME tonearm. About its control speed SME uses DSP technology as you can read in its site.


Now, what is the main target in any TT at any price must be: spin accurately at the RPM 33.33/45 and stability on those RPM. You can read in SME site too that the speed error for the 60 is: -0.005% .

That’s is quality that any serious audiophile and MUSIC lover are looking for. All the other TT overall characteristics are in secong place/step that that speed stability.

In other side you can always mate the 60 with an after market vaccum hold dow mechanism.

If you can afford go for it. You can’t go wrong with the SME 60.




I don’t know why @mijostyn on TT’s always recomend Dohmann when he likes in other areas SME.

Btw, the Dohmann is motitoring continuosly each secon its RPM speed to make the changes need it and in this specific regards I think that the SME60 is better. The Dohmann speed error is -0.01 % and in no other measurements is superior to the 60.


I've always liked SME and the reason I have an SME arm. But really how in the world do you get .005% accuracy with a rotary knobs?  You could breath hard on the knob and move it more than .005%?


@rauliruegas , The SME 60 is a fine turntable. It has all the feature I deem crucial in a turntable. It's major issue is the price and the fact that you can not get it without the arm. I'm sure the arm is excellent. The Dohmann's claim to fame is it's negative stiffness suspension in both vertical and horizontal directions. I suspect it is superior to the SME's suspension but I have no proof of this. It can mount two tonearms of any size. The SME is limited to one 9" arm. As you are aware we agree that arms longer than 9" are inferior. However, there are arms like the Reed 5A and Schoder LT that require more space even though their arms are actually shorter than 9". 

I read Michael Fremer's review of the 60 and he made one glaring error I would like to correct. Al Conti did not invent the hanging four point suspension. David Fletcher did when he designed the original SOTA Sapphire. David and Al were good friends and was by all accounts honored that Al wanted to use his design for the Debut. The only difference is that the SOTA's suspension is hidden by it's cover.