Some new E-bay scams

In some new ebay purchases I have found out about some new scrams.......The seller sells a item and provides tracking, but it is not real tracking number, it is fake.....,They are able to hack into the tracking system and provide tracking even up to "Item Delivered"and when it comes to filling a "none delivery claim" you have a real time collecting because it says "Item Delivered" on your tracking................I've had this happen two times on e-bay in the last three months.........W


What I think I need to do is get another money paying system, I wonder about G-Pay or Apple pay....Anybody using them  ????     What a mess to have to deal with, and I get a e-mail from pay-pal they want to hold back 500.00 of a sale I made today for 2300.00 ....So I cancelled the sale and sent the pay-pal back.......That's a first with them also, but there stock is not real good and neither is there Market share.......I have heard they have had management problems ever since they split from E-bay......All the "Minds" stayed with e-bay......W 

@autospec ,

Don't you think you'll be better off finding new suppliers and QUIT buying off ebay?

Mr-M    I think that is a great idea, but I'm also learning that the crooks are winning because people like pay-pal don't train there people and I'm not sure if they know how to train them.....But as long as they have stupid people like myself , they just fall back on us when things go bad........I sold a item two days ago and I took pay-pal as payment and pay-pal held back almost 600.00 for up to 24 days they tell me.....I've never had that happen......So what did I do wrong..........Did business on the internet..........W