New Preamp from Musetec

Known principally for high quality good value DACs, this maker is introducing a new preamp.

Full technical description is here.



Hi there friend.

Given his pricing, and I have to emphasize HIS pricing because we know where he has been in pricing, he must be aiming a good deal higher than the preamps you name.

We'll not know 'till someone takes the plunge.  It would be great if his dealer in Indiana can get a loaner to send out.

The likely difference is that the Mustec maybe a bit warmer or smoother sounding. The 2 preamps I listed should be used if you do not want the sound of a preamp in the chain. That would be for any price of system.

The Musetec preamp does look amazing on the inside. Likely a great preamp.


I don't agree with your assessment if it is meant to say that the Benchmark (which I was familiar with) has no sound.  A straight wire with gain?  No coloration?  I don't think so.  It may be simply a matter of which components let the true music through.

I don't mean to dispute anything here.  Best we wait 'till someone tries the new preamp.

One way I compare a pre to see if it adds to the sound is to compare a DAC with volume direct to amp and then with a pre. The pre that had the least additional sound to the system was the Benchmark LA4 and HPA4 preamps. The Holo Serene is very close to that but adds a hint of warmth.

The worst offenders for my tastes added both additional sonics to the mix and also hiss. I dumped a few preamps that did that.