Speaker Choice

I am new to this forum. I have recntly decided to dedicate a room in my house to a use that will be primarily audio with a secondary home theater use. I have started to assemble the components and have acuired the following so far:
McIntosh 2255
McIntosh C33
McIntosh MR78
McIntosh MVP881
McIntosh 7205
I am trying to chosse loudspeakers, preferably in the under $10,000 range per pair. I listened to the B&W 804D's and was totally unimpressed.I was then introduced to Monitor Audio Gold 200's and thought hey were great. I like lots of detail in a speaker. I would like recomendations on other possible speaker choices as well as comments on the Monitor Audios. I have not heard the 300's but those are also a possibility. I am considering a Rega RP6 turntable and a Mac 121 processore. All opinions would be welcome.
If you can stretch or find a deal the Magico S5, Joseph Audio Perspective, Vivid Audio B1, Thiel 3.7, or Revel Ultimate Studio2 should scratch your itch for detail. More in your price range are the Thiel 2.7, Vandersteen Quatro, Usher CP 8571DMD, Vivid V1.5, Joseph Audio Pulsar. Other brands to consider may be Avalon, Audio Physic, Gallo, and Marten. Lots of others but that's just off the top of my head. The best thing to do obviously is to listen to anything within a reasonable distance to see what you really like and gain perspective. Best of luck and enjoy the journey.
Great system you have begun to assemble. Love the McIntosh line. Speakers I have heard that you may find of interest are the Magico and Klipsch line. The VSA line I find quite appealing with my MA6600.

In deed enjoy the trek to your sonic bliss. Post your results.
Yea know what you mean about the B&W's - never understood why people go ga ga over them.

I am not too fussed about Magico either although I would say they are better. Certainly worth a listen though if you can wrangle one.

You don't say where you are but just in case you are in Australia then I would suggest Lenehan Audio ML2 Limited Edition - but if you are in Aus you probably know about that anyway - they have been discussed a lot in the forum here in Aus. The guy that makes them built one as a special order and before it shipped a few people including me heard it, jaws dropped and he had 8 orders in a couple of weeks, including mine - stunning speaker - but only if you are in Aus - each speaker including stands weighs 80kg so the cost of shipping will be a killer - and you will have no way of hearing it.

The one I suspect you would have access to is the Rockport Mira 2 - stunning speaker as well and most definitely you should wrangle a listen.

Also heard good things about the Pro Ac Carbon 2's but from what I hear the Rockports have the edge.

I agree with Soix's recommendations. I'd also suggest checking out some Macintosh user forums around the web to see what Mac fans have had success with. Synergy is important. With respect to detail and accuracy, you can't go wrong with Thiel 3.7's. Jim Thiel's stated design goal was to create a speaker that would reproduce exactly what it was fed....which is great for those whose front end is top notch....not so great for lesser electronics.