Step down transformer (220V to 100/110V) or buy 220V version of Shindo preamp

I really need to buy a Shindo preamp. a) Should I go for a original 220V Shindo preamp (harder to obtain, no local Shindo dealer here) or  b) get a 110/100V version from USA/Japan and use a step-down transformer c) Or get the Shindo dealer to alter the 110V to 220V.

1) At this level, is there sound degradation if I use a step down transformer?
2) The Shindo dealer will change the 110V to 220V but it will be done by a US tech not Shindo, I wonder if it will lead to some loss. Since soldering and change of resistor will happen. If that's the case I might just buy the 110V version from him.

Any thoughts on using step down transformer in general, does it lead to sound degradation?

I am confused.   why 
step down transformer will degraded sound if my source power come from $6000 USD power conditioner?

do I still need noise blocking of a fully balanced unit?

@ayc868 A transformer theoretically reproduces in the output all  the noise in the input.  In practice, not quite but I don't recommend a transformer as a power conditioner.

Hopefully your $6000 power conditioner is a rectifier/inverter and doesn't try to "filter" the noise out.


Many Shindo preamp utilize 100V-120V dual primary winding, it can be configured for 100V, 120V, 220V or 240V mains voltage.



My power conditioner is unknown(I do know I need it for better sound) whether is a rectifier/inverter and doesn’t try to "filter" the noise out. For 100V(Japan gear), What kind of audio grade step down transformer? How to connect to get the best sounding?
