Denafrips FPGA Firmware Update

In case there are any Denafrips DAC owners out there that are not aware of the FPGA Firmware Update, here's the link:

I did the update on my Ares II earlier today and am currently enjoying the results.  It is definitely an improvement without question.


@jaytor Thanks for your input and information on your Terminator-Plus firmware update.  I have a Terminator-Plus however have not yet tried the firmware update. My system has a good deal of treble energy presently and what I really don't need is more of it.  I'm all for improvements in the soundstage, mid-range and other listening parameters.  It sounds like many are pleased with their other Denafrips DAC upgrades, but not much information on the Terminator-Plus that I could find.  Now that you've had some "miles" on it with the new upgrade, can you shed some light on   what you're hearing with the changes ?    Thanks !   John

@liquidsound - I've been using the NOS mode over the last couple weeks. Before the update, I thought NOS was too dull sounding, but I'm liking the way it sounds now.

However, I haven't done any critical listening since shortly after doing the upgrade because I sold my woofer towers and haven't finished the replacements. My mains (open baffle planar magnetic line arrays) only play down to about 170Hz and rely on separate open-baffle woofer towers for the bottom ~3 octaves.

I just picked up the cabinets, drivers, and amps this weekend so need to get them assembled and wired up - hopefully in the next few days.

@jaytor  Thanks for your quick response.  I have been using the NOS almost exclusively since I've had the DAC, so I look forward to your opinions on it with the firmware upgrade once you get your speakers back on place.

Regards,  John

@liquidsound I suggest you try it yourself. It is not hard at all, especially if you have a Mac laptop. Once I downloaded the firmware update tools, it took me less than 3 minutes to update my T-Plus to V3.7 and the same to revert it back to V1.0. To my ears, the sound of V3.7 is more detailed and focused with more texture and 3-dimentionality. Yes, there is more treble energy as far as I can tell. Also, the sound is not as lush and rich, and less forgiving (for bad recordings) as V1.0.

As I read through this thread I think the biggest takeaway is that ymmv.  My question is why have there been so many different versions of the updates in such a short time period? They just announced still another one for the Ares II/Enya. If Denafrips engineers cannot figure out what sounds best, how do the rest of us?