Moving magnet hum

I have just installed an AT150 MLX cartridge after years of moving coils (thanks to the long thread). I like the sound a lot, but I have some low level hum which I have never had while using LOMCs. Could it be due to a ground loop caused by the ground strap on the green cartirdge pin? If so, please advise if it is a risk to remove and if it can be reinstalled.


The OP said his AT has a ground tab. All of the Shures that I have owned had a ground tab. Hence I quoted that from Shure. BTW, I have never seen a ground tab on any older Grados that I have owned!

By the same token, I have some older AT's that don't have a ground tab.  Back in the dinosaur era, I used to own Shure V15s... Don't recall any of them having a ground tab.  But we didn't have electricity yet back then, either.  So I may not have been able to see the tab by candle light.

Yeah, we bought a hamster, and he's hard at work running on the wheel which drives a flashlight bulb.  Tesla told me about it.