Modwright PH 9.0X Tube Rolling Question

I recently acquired a used PH 9.0X phono preamp and
I want to upgrade the Russian 6922 tubes. Anyone have
any experience with this particular preamp? I'll be looking
for NOS tubes.  


@scm I forgot to look into this for you, but I probably have something. Let me PM you and follow up with you tmw. 

Swapped out the Sovtek 5AR4 for a Philips 5R4GYS (Thanks Juan !!👍)  

The change was immediately noticeable, so much better all around... ALL AROUND !

More definition across the board, bass notes caught my attention right off.

More edge to the strings, images are wider and deeper. I can definitely hear deeper into the mix.

I`m not a wordsmith by any stretch so I`ll just say that the Philips 5R4GYS is a revelation and is worth every penny.

I`m so very glad I didn`t waste any time trying to get a feel for the Sovtek while breaking it in for 100 + hours.

Had I done so, I would have sat there shaking my head wondering why I didn`t put  the Philips in sooner.

IMO... this ModWright 'T' rectifier power supply upgrade for the ModWright PH 9.0 along with this Philips 5R4GYS tube is quite simply a must have.

I think it`s the best upgrade of a product that I`ve ever done.

Absolutely loving it and should only get better with some hours on it.




@scm I'm glad the tube arrived safely for you and that you are enjoying it. Remember, it was my last one, and a spare, so I wouldn't be surprised if it sounds even better after 100 hours.

The Philips 5R4GYS is a magical tube in any Modwright rectified unit that can take it. In Modwrights, I've used them most recently in my LS-36.5 DM preamp, which I sold off two years ago, along with the SWP 9.0 SE (phono stage I owned prior to PS9.0X) and SWL 9.0 SE preamp (before the LS-36.5 DM). I also used it in the Modwright Transporter, which albeit is over a decade old still sounds equivalent to me than a Lampizator Baltic 3. Dan Wright makes incredible gear for their price points and is one of the priceless people in the audio industry.

"I'm glad the tube arrived safely for you and that you are enjoying it. Remember, it was my last one, and a spare, so I wouldn't be surprised if it sounds even better after 100 hours"

Thanks again, and yep I`m sure it will get better too.

A 5R4GY was one of Dan's top picks when I asked about replacing the Sovtek and I can see why 👍

Keep in mind, 5AR4 and 5R4 are very different electrically.  5AR4 drops 17V, whereas 5R4 drops 67V.  This means that the resulting B+ voltage available to run the audio circuit is 50V higher when using the 5AR4, compared to 5R4.  There are other differences in requirements as well.  Thus any difference in ultimate SQ could simply be due to the differences in these other parameters.  In some cases, the 5AR4 might stress downstream tubes served by the PS due to increases in plate voltage and/or possible changes in bias voltage.