How tall do you like your images?

Just wondering, when you listen, do you like your stereo image to be at ear level, above, below, or do you like planars thanks to having a steady image no matter if you are standing or sitting?


Floor-to-ceiling like Bob Carver's $15K Line Source system from some years ago! 

Worst speakers for image height are the Klipsch Heresy's. I am glad I sold my pair!

Also agree with Mike Lavigne on height being system dependent. Especially with tracks / albums with a deeper soundstage alike Muddy Waters Folk Singer, I appreciate that the stage is not tall because it accurately portrays a stage that is deep beyond the speakers. That said I do resonate when a performance is close with the vocalists at standing height. 

I like, -who doesn't?- that the speakers disappear from the stage and obtain a centered and well-defined image behind them, adding several layers to separate instruments and voices.