*munching popcorn, too lazy to go score some beer...wipes hands...*
Different audiophiles have different end points.
Yeah, and that’s more/less the line in the sand.... ;)
Isn’t it....
I’ve 4 ESS ’large’ amts’ that, given their coherence flaws & other shortcomings I prefer over cones & domes....
I used to own a pair of 1Bs', as flawed as they may have been...
I don't own a lava lamp; never have, either...watching wax in oil warmed by a lamp has limited appeal...unless one is very....🙄....'thrashed'...
(I do have one of these...
...although mine is elongated....like a big blue sperm...*L*)
I don't 'engage' it while listening, nor have I changed the ac cord on it, to make it 'more intense', or 'mellow'.... It just is what it is, and enjoyed as such...😏