Monolith III's or CLS IIZ's Pros and Cons

Could anyone in these forums share any Pros and/or Cons in why you would choose one of these fine speakers over other.

With the Monolith's - I would either add a Sub or Update the Woofers.
With the CLS's - I would use my existing Two (2) ML Depth's.

My Room is 16' x 18' x 8.5' high
Amps would be the Parasound JC1's and an A21 as Monoliths have the ML Active X-over.
Parasound JC1s for the CLS's
I am not making any amp changes at this time, thank you.

I listen to Jazz, Classical and some rock.
I have owned both for these speakers in the past but it has been to long to remember the specific plusses and minuses of each. Please advise if you can and thanks.

Anyone out there who could re-state them, it would great and and much appreciated.

Have you ever heard the CLS's with kinergetics Research subs? It used to be a popular combo.
Zd542...yes, I was a KR dealer, (back in the day). That was a very popular combo, but did take up some room.

I think one of the high-end mags at the time raved all about that combo. It was kind of a "Mini Martin Logan Statement" system.

I think the Martin Logan Depths would integrate a little better today, than the KR SW-800 subs. The Depths are way faster and somewhat easier to place.
Still owning 3 pair of CLS first generation that are stored away. I can say that the CLS with a Depth was some of the most beautiful music that I ever experienced, especially with vocals. While the original CLS and the CLSIIz are different animals, I would not hesitate to go with the Zs.
I would recommend that you run them full range and bring the subs in from below. I used a Classe CA400 amp, that the impedance of the CLS turned into a 100 watt amp on a 83dB sensitive stat. It was difficult to get any real volume from them. The impedance and sensitivity of the Zs should work much better with the JC1s.
CLS's with subs is a way better setup. All the hybrid ML have issues with how high they cross over the woofers. Not in that the crossover is obvious but it is that the tonality between the two is so different.. Remember they crossover the panel in the lower midrange. CLS's with fast subs crossed over below 80hz is a way more coherent and timbrely correct setup.