High Fidelity Cables?

I’ve noticed for the past week or so, that my favorite cable manufacturer, High Fidelity Cables, is closed due to Covid.  Anyone know anything more?


They look like something that we ought to be sending to Ukraine. That link to ozzie is blank.

If anyone has been cheated from High-Fidelity due to their business failure by not receiving the product or getting their money back, simply post it on this thread.

Again, I am under the impression all have been taken care of, either with product or their money back.

Please let us know.


This is all started for example by @csmgolf who has no idea what they talking about and just make stuff up, repeating a forum post from another anon who made stuff up.

Rick is the sort of person who does free upgrades for clients, he bends over backwards to help people out and does not deserve to have liars smear him.

He closed Virtual Dynamics in the late 00’s due to the GFC and to relocate to the US to launch the new venture HFC. 

Rick has always treated me very well. I have purchased a lot of his products over the years and have no complaint. All did what he said they would do, Make my stereo better and they have. I will be tying one of his newest cables out, hope fully next week.