Thanks everyone for your ideas. Got the Super Gen 5 speaker cables connected last night and have been listening a lot since. I have not gone back to see how the difference compares but just from listening it does seem as if I am getting everything that has been described. I think what is standing out the most is a cleaner soundstage with greater isolation of voices and instruments. I am shopping for used Super balanced IC now. I spoke to one dealer and he said when you get the entire system converted over to Transparent that you will see the greatest results.
The cables are very stiff so was a bit challenging to get them into position. It will be no simple task to swap out and back in so not sure it is even worth the experience as I am definitely sold on the upgrade. I got these used so unsure how brand new cables are for the initial set up. I recall years ago getting a random upgraded power cord in the box when I bought a used amp as the guy lost the original. It was also extremely stiff and was hard to get to stay in a component socket. The end/plug eventually separated from the cord while the wires remained intact. It made me laugh because there were three 16 gauge wires inside this super stiff clear rubber hose that was reinforced within the plastic with some mesh material. There was nothing there to shape to ever stay, it was simply flexible but always wanted to remain as straight as possible. These seem to have more pliability and will take on some shape so hopefully I can keep working with them to become relaxed in their new configuration.
Does anyone have advice on that process?