Sistrum SP101 Platforms - under floor standers

.......your thoughts and sonic impression only to those who have purchased and still own these highly regarded platforms under their speakers. What did they do to the sound and were they worth it ? Thank you in advance....
I think it makes the sound, sound as if the speaker is floating in space - which I like. The irony is that the theory has the speaker properly grounded. I really don't understand any of it except the brass points are top notch in hardness and sharpness. It's a quality product that I've preferred enough to keep. Undeniably pricy, try to buy at 50% used.
bass became more natural sounding. music flowed more effortlessly. overall much more natural and relaxed type of sound. very worth it to me. (my rig is on a wood floor, suspended on joists, with crawl space underneath. best sound with these vs. when i had them spiked or on various isolation products.) if you are unsure of how/why they work, read the white papers at their web site. and if still confused or have questions, call and speak with robert. with me, he was always very willing to talk about the theories and practice of these devices.
I have been using Sistrum products (101s and apprentice stands) since around 2007 under a variety of components subs, speakers, amps, dacs, etc) and they have a profound impact. I have even incorporated their technology into my audio room design. Sonic impressions under speakers: better image focus, bass, speed, and other words more real or live sounding. Value? Not pricey considering that they typically will double your speakers performance and use raw materials and a fabrication process that is expensive unlike much of the cheap chifi masquerading as hi end. It's a no-brainer. They have multiple price points available....give Robert at SS a call....
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These are keepers.Bought over 10 yrs. ago.Under my floor standers bass tightened up and became much more dynamic.The highs became more transparant.Inner detail improved to the point of hearing new things on on the recordigs.Stage is taller deeper and wider.Things have really come out of the box so to speak.Helps speakers dissapear.Added one more under my vandersteen sub,already great.Now timber rythem and pace have improved.String plucks are amazing,cymbles splash,midrange fleshed out too.Mine are not for sale!Pricy but a must have.When removed the whole stage collapses.Highly recommended.R.W.