Sistrum SP101 Platforms - under floor standers

.......your thoughts and sonic impression only to those who have purchased and still own these highly regarded platforms under their speakers. What did they do to the sound and were they worth it ? Thank you in advance....
These are keepers.Bought over 10 yrs. ago.Under my floor standers bass tightened up and became much more dynamic.The highs became more transparant.Inner detail improved to the point of hearing new things on on the recordigs.Stage is taller deeper and wider.Things have really come out of the box so to speak.Helps speakers dissapear.Added one more under my vandersteen sub,already great.Now timber rythem and pace have improved.String plucks are amazing,cymbles splash,midrange fleshed out too.Mine are not for sale!Pricy but a must have.When removed the whole stage collapses.Highly recommended.R.W.
I wouldn't know about any historic Star Sound products or internal disputes, so have no basis of comparison between the products of yore and the ones available today.

But I can comment on both the use of Audio Points and now the new Sistrum Apprentice XL Platforms under my Revel Salon 2s. Here is what I posted last July about the Audio Points:

"I'm not sure how they do it, but the affect is that the system has become both more precise AND more musical. The bass is tighter yet with significantly more prominence and slam - a superior foundation has been built. Microdynamics are better, treble is more detailed but even less fatiguing at concert levels, and imaging is both taller and deeper while being more precise, i.e. I can hear players in the soundstage RIGHT THERE.

And yeah, the apparent volume has increased too as Granny noted. The Salon 2s are not exactly an exemplar of efficiency so I've gone with high-current amplification solutions to make them hit hard when I want them to. It's nice to not have to draw so much juice out of the wall as I was before."

The Sistrum Apprentice XL Platforms arrived at the end of last month. They do take things to another level beyond what the Audio Points were doing. Players are more precisely placed in the soundstage with better proportionality, which makes them easier to follow. Bass remains meaty but has more texture and nuance. The attack of plucked strings is faster and more lifelike. Decays stretch longer into the acoustic and are more easily heard. There is more air around the notes. And there is more detail apparent; I am picking up new things on albums I've listened to for 40+ years that were previously buried in the recording.

To sum up,as I told Robert,

"They have settled in and the results are excellent. It feels as though the window into the music is even more clear, that a film has been stripped away making the illusion of actual musicians in the room even more compelling. This is important to me, as my pursuit has always been of the 'they are here' and not the 'you are there' variety, due to the fact that the room is not a highly dampened man cave but rather a room built specifically to enjoy views."
I have been using them under my audio equipment for several years and agree with all the positive accolades above. You simply don't want to believe that these things are as good as they are because they initially seem pricey but once you own them you will never remove them.
Ironically, I happen to have planar speakers which don't allow the actual platforms to integrate with them but I do use an SP101 under my stereo amplifier and several of the "003 & 004" models under a pair of mono blocs, my pre-amp, and my Dac (all are tubed units BTW)as well as the Sistrum spikes under my main rack... and I will be buying a few more for additional equipment. They are addicting and considered essential once you hear what they do. Highly recommended